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Knowledge Center

Create a new task

  1. Click the Create new task button in the lower left corner.

  2. Enter a name for the task in the Title field.

  3. Assign the task to someone using the Assigned to field. Type in parts of the name to use the auto-complete function, or use the arrow-icon to open the personnel archive (PER). The assignee will be notified with an Internal Message (IMS).

  4. If the task has a deadline, this can be set using the calendar function in the Deadline field.

  5. If the task is not to be seen or shared with others, you can check the Private checkbox at the bottom. This will ensure privacy for the task and can also be checked later in the process. If you are going to create several tasks, check the Create Another checkbox.

  6. Click OK when finished.

You will now have a task ready where you can add additional information if needed.

Add tags

At the bottom of the screen is an area called Tags. This function enables you to link different RamBase object, such as documents, employees, products etc. to the task directly. You can also choose a custom tag, which is a free text-tag. If you add a RamBase link, you will be asked if this should be treated as a RamBase Object link.

  1. Click the Add Tag button.

  2. Choose which type of tag you want to add.

  3. Depending on which type of tag you chose, the next field, Tag Lookup, will enable you to look through items within that category.

  4. Click the confirmation icon when finished.

The tag will be visible at the bottom as an active hyperlink. Click the X to the right side of the tag to delete the tag.