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Enter Report account groups (ACG)

An Report account group (ACG) is composed of a certain number of accounts with similarities. The purpose of grouping accounts is to comply with accounting standards due to financial statement requirements, but it could also play a part in proper financial management and control. Grouping of accounts gives you an improved financial outline in reports.

Standard account groups
  • 1xxx Assets

  • 2xxx Equity and liabilities

  • 3xxx Sales and operating revenues

  • 4xxx Purchasing costs

  • 5xxx Wages

  • 6xxx Operating costs

  • 7xxx Operating costs

  • 8xxx Financial revenues and costs

In RamBase it is possible to customize account groups. For example, if the standard ACGs do not meet your report requirements, you may create a new ACG for this purpose, and map it to a report.

It is possible to inspect an accounting group or create a new group from the Report account groups (ACG) application.

The Report account groups (ACG) application

The ACG application menu is a simple report in itself. If there are posted ATR documents to the accounts in an account group, the group totals will show up in this window from a two-column view showing selected (period and/or year to date (YTD)) values.


To examine the postings or edit an ACG, select the ACG and press ENTER.


In the Budget field the ACG could be linked to a Budget (BAC) account. This gives the opportunity to monitor for instance the expenses in a ACG compared to expected values posted to the budget. The Period From field holds information about the first valid account period for the ACG.

The Range and Selected Accounts fields is the key fields to build an ACG. To tie accounts to a group, you could either enter a range of accounts or select single accounts. It is only possible to use one of the methods. It is quite faster to enter a range of accounts than to pick a group of single accounts. However, a range of accounts will include all accounts in the range, so if one or more accounts not should be a part of the ACG, the select account method must be used instead.

Click on the magnifier icon to tie accounts to an ACG. ACG are not exclusive. An account could be connected to several ACG.