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Set up external work

External operations are used when the company needs work done which they cannot, or do not have time to perform themselves. This applies whether the operations are performed by a supplier coming on site, or the product is sent out of the house to have the operations performed at the suppliers location.

Set up an external operation
  1. If not already created, a new resource needs to be created for the external operation. To open the Resource (RES) application, find Production in the RamBase menu and then Resource management. Click Resources to enter the RES application. Create a new RES as normal, but use External in the Class field to categorize this as an external resource.

  2. To open the Operation (OPR) application, find Production in the RamBase menu and then Operations management. Click Operations to enter the OPR application. Create a new OPR as normal, but use External in the Class field to categorize the operation as external. Using the External class will create an article with class WX. Note: During Class selection, be careful to pick the correct one as it may be impossible to change after. This is evident in the EXTERNAL class where the class is set and not changeable after it has been defined and used in a kit. It does not matter if the kit is ST:9.

  3. Enter a value in the Time field. This value will not be the base for the operation cost, as the purchase order price/invoiced price will be the base for the external operation cost.

  4. The Freight Parts tab is used to enter the freight prices. This is mostly used when the part will be sent. This option requires you to have made an article class=XF (External Freight) before the freight is added.

  5. The operation is now ready to be added to the product that needs external work. Locate the structure in question and open it.

  6. Click the Kit button next to the Class field. If this article has yet to be defined with a structure, you will need to do this. If the article is already set up, this will open the Kit Designer with the full structure. To be able to edit this structure, it either needs to be in ST:1, or you will need to make a copy of the structure using the Copy Version button on the top. This will create a new version of the structure.

  7. With the structure in ST:1 (editable mode), open the Designer tab. The default choice of viewing here is Parts, so you will need to click the Operations button on the top to change to view operations.

  8. To make things easier, use the dropdown menu in the OpClass field to filter by class: external using the EXTERNAL option.

  9. Click and hold the Class icon (the factory) of the desired operations and drag it into the structure to the left.

    • If you need to change the placement of the operation in the structure, return to the Kit Details tab and choose the item line and press ENTER. Enter the desired value in the OpNo field to place it within the desired range.

  10. Finish the structure as normal with approval and activation. The product is now in ST:4.

When a production order is created for the product, the external operations will show up in the Purchase (PUR) application in the External Work folder.

Note: If there is a need to change the price of the operation, it is possible by entering the kit, choosing the operation item line, pressing ENTER and editing the price in the Price field. The criteria for this action is that the kit is in ST:1, which can be done by making a new copy, which will be in ST:1.