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Products without assignments

Certain products are intangible, and therefore cannot be assigned to a specific warehouse. These products can be freight, consultant hours or various types of fees. They can be added to orders but cannot be assigned to a warehouse, so you must specify them as products without assignments.

Use the classes X (Expenses (No article)), V (Value Added Sevice) and Z (Zero) to create a new product without assignment. Products with class Z are never assigned. For products of class V or X , assignment is optional.  When you select these classes during the first step of creating a new product, the field IsNotUsingAssignments in the Main Data folder is active by default. When these products are added to a Sales Order (COA), they are directly forwarded to a Sales Invoice (CIN). When they are added to Purchase Orders (SPO), Goods Receptions (SSA) can not be created, but the items can be directly forwarded to Supplier Invoice (SIN).