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Balance per auction

To view the balances pr. auction, select an auction/event in AUCBAL and press ENTER.

Total Balance

The column shows the vendors balance against the auctioneer (supplier balance from the auctioneer point of view). Since most vendors are also customers, the balance can be both negative and positive. From the auctioneer point of view a negative balance indicates that the vendor has a claim against the auctioneer, while a positiv balance indicates the opposite. Some balances are flagged with a red, yellow or green bell. These are explained below.

Supplier CommisionPct

The column shows the commision amount in percent. The commision pct. is set for each vendor in the supplier register.

Supplier Fee

In the supplier register (SUP) it's possible to set a value for SupFeeAmt. If SupFeeAmt is set to YES, it's possible to add a fixed fee for handling objects for this certain supplier. In addition, commission and handlingfee can be added as usual.

Supplier Invoices

The column shows the total given by the documents generated on auction closing (invoices and credit notes), in other words the net sale for a certain vendor on a certain auction.


The column shows the commision amount calculated on a certain vendor on a certain auction and due date.

Avg. CommisionPct

The column shows the commision amount in percent. The commision pct. is set for each vendor in the supplier register. Nevertheless, the acutal commision can exceed the commision percent if the sales value is small. If a minimum commision is set, and the commision calculated by percent is lower than the min. commision, the minimum commision would be chosen.


This column shows the total fee. Fees from an auction can be calculated both as a fixed fee and as a calculated percent of the sales value


This column shows any amount pre-paid to the vendor. This amount is deducted from the vendor claims arising from the current auction in the settlement.


This column shows settled amounts from the current auction


This column shows open amounts from the current auction.

Select a specific vendor and press ENTER to view a report showing sold lots from this vendor on the actual auction. The same report will be shown by clicking the amount in the Supplier Invoices and Commision columns. By clicking the amount in the Total Balance column a report showing both supplier and customer posts from the current vendor. The total of supplier and customer posts are shown in the Total Balance column. By clicking the amount in the Balance column, a view of the supplier balance pr. duedate is shown.

Rightmost in the row, a create icon shows up next to any open balances. Click this icon to create Payment (PAY) documents for the Balance amount. Nevertheless, it is only recommended to do this if there are one or a few open posts to settle. Usually it is far more time-saving to do a quality check of the Balance amounts and then make PAY documents for all open amounts. How to do this is explained under the Auction settlement chapter.

Usually you will find that most vendors/suppliers are also customers in an auction house. The customer/supplier accounts will therefore contain both payable and receivable posts. To avoid paying a vendor that owes money to the company, posts available to counter-accounting are flagged by a colored bell. Counter-accounting in auction settlement means that there are unsettled customer/receivable postings which can be set-off against the vendor claims.

Green bell

The green bell indicates that there are amounts overdue in accordance with the Duedate parameter in Aucbal.

Yellow bell

Yellow bell means that a full disbursement against the vendor will give him a debit balance (the vendor owes money to the auctioneer).

Red bell

A red bell means that the receivable balance is larger then the payable for the vendor. The vendor owes the auctioneer money, not the other way around. In these cases there should not be any disbursement to the vendor. The vendor receives an updated statement of account where the payable balance is drawn from the vendors debt to the auctioneer.