Special transactions
Customer return
Return from customer is done through a Customer deviation (CDV). A return from the customer will create a stock entry with the same cost as the original goods reception document had when the goods were shipped to the customer. If there have been any price changes on the original goods reception after the goods were shipped to the customer, these price changes will be copied from the original stock entry to the new stock entry. In this way, RamBase ensures that the cost of the returned goods will be up to date.
Undo pick in production
The quantity that is undone, is returned to the stock entry it was picked from. The parts get the current value/cost of the stock entry at the time they are put back.
Goods transfer
When a Goods transfer (STW) process is initiated, when you ship a STW, the STW does not immediately consuming stock on the location you are transferring goods from. This is different compared to shipment of for example Shipping advices (CSA), which consumes the stock immediately. The stock will be consumed on the source location at the time it is registered into stock at the destination location. This is because you should not get any changes in stock value due to a goods transfer process, as this often takes several days.
A Goods transfer (STW) can only be done for a single Goods reception (SSA) item, so the STW will only be linked to one SSA in the Stock assignment register (SAR), or in the stock entry.