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In RamBase, the logistic system holds all details about inbound and outbound movements in the warehouse, on a transaction level. Transactions in the logistic system will not be posted directly to accounts in the general ledger. The inventory balances are kept in a separate register called Stock Value (SVR) application. The values in this register are recalculated every night, and will be imported into the general ledger either automatically on a scheduled basis, or manually.

There is a setting in the system where you decide if the inventory balances should be imported to the general ledger as a total amount or be split between the physical stock value and work in progress balances.

The inventory balance in the SVR application do not include goods that are customer owned or supplier owned, only goods that your company owns. Information about the inventory balance is grouped by product, currency, warehouse location and account dimensions like department, projects etc. It also holds information about each article's turnover.

Detailed information about the inventory balances can be inspected in the Inventory Balances (INVBAL) application.

For detailed information about each product, use the SVR application.

Detailed information about the work in progress balances can be inspected in the Product Work Balances (PWBAL) application.