Revision handling
There are situations where customers will require a certain revision of a product. This is possible to choose using the Part box in customer/supplier documents where articles are added.
Enter the desired part in the Part field.
Choose the part from the popup.
The system will find the active revision (ST:4) and set this as the part.
If there are several revisions to choose from, you will see the Revision field becoming a drop down menu. Choose the desired revision from this menu.
If there is a mismatch between revisions, you will receive a warning.
To create a special structure for this order, press F12 to open the Action menu and choose the option Copy Version from ART and select the version/revision needed.
This option is also available in the Production Work Order (PWO) with ST:1-ST:4.
The special structure will be added and you can see the yellow icon next to the Revision field.
The structure on the order will now be the version/revision sent to production.