Create interests
To open the Interest (INT) application, find Finance in the RamBase menu and then Receivables. Click Interest invoices to enter the INT application.

Create a new interest
Click the Create New icon on the bottom left side.
Define the criteria for creating interests by enter data to the following fields:
Article ID - If this field is empty click on the magnifier icon and select the article Interests.
Interest Pct - This is setup as a default for your company, but may also be set on the customer under customer details (CUS).
After days - Number of days after due date. For payments received later than this there will be created interest invoices.
Interest amount limit, NOK - Determines the minimum interest amount to be invoiced from one invoice (CIN).
Customer amount limit, NOK - Determines the minimum interest amount to be invoiced from one customer account.
Click the OK button. The interest will now appear in the menu ready for further handling (St:0).
Highlight the actual interest job and press ENTER.
Verify the content, and discard incorrect interests manually (St:D).
The calculated interests that have not reached the customer amount limit will automatically be removed (St:D). These will thereafter be included in the next interest calculation if the customer limit then is reached.
In cases where the values in the Interest amount limint field or the After days field are not reached, the interests will automatically be closed (St:9). These interests will not be calculated anymore.
When all interests calculated (St:0) are correct, press F12 to open the action menu and choose the option Make Interest Invoices to all Customers.
Define the pay term and possibly add a fee in the new popup.
Click the OK button. Customer interest invoices (INT) will now be generated by the system.
Press F12 and choose the option Register and Send all Interest Invoices. The interest invoices are then registered (St:4) and sent to the customer, either printed or by e-mail.
Permanently remove calculated interests
Highlight the specific manually discarded interest invoice (St:D).
Press F12 and choose the option No Interests for Customer (St:9). These interests will not be calculated anymore.
Turn off interest calculation for specific customers
Interest calculation may be turned off for a specific customer in the Finance data folder under customer details (CUS). The interest percent (INTPCT) should be set to 0.
Interests on partially paid invoices
If there are overdue invoices which are partially paid, the interests will still be calculated based on the original amount.
I If you want to create interests only for the residual amount, make sure to enter the same due date for the residual amount as for the original invoice while registering the partial payment.