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Settings for Production - Planning

Setting name


Automatically link Products (ART) with Product Structure to Pending

If setting is 'ON' - Sales Order items with Class=K* will be automatically be set to Pending by the program.

AutoSync PlanningOperation with WorkOrderOperation

Default Production Lead time

Value in this setting is used as Default Lead time, - if no leadtime is set on the Product (ART). To be used in production calculation.

Default view in Resource WorkOrders folder

Value in this setting could be one of these alternatives: READY - Resource WorkOrders folder is filtered on ready Production Work Orders (Operation  in Status=3). ACTIVE- Filter on ready and running Production Work Orders (Operation in Status=3 and 5). ALL - Showing all Production Work Order. If setting is not activated, default will be 'ACTIVE' -  ready and running (Operation status=3 and 5)

Pending by Minimum Stock folder in PRODPLAN

If setting is 'ON' - the folder 'Pending by Minimum Stock' will be available in PRODPLAN, and thereby the possibility to see production needs based on the Product setting for minimum stock - ReorderQuantity and ReorderPoint on Product (ART)

Production Customer Forecasting

If setting is 'ON' - The functionality that will allow company to use Customer Forecasting in Production module is activated.

NOTE: Forecast functionality is not ready for use in Rambase

Production Work Order (PWO) - Assign To Stock

If this setting is 'ON' - the users have the option to start a job that try to link all items in the production work order to stock. In case there is no free stock, the program will try to swap links with other documents. The job is started by the option Assign To Stock.

Set Confirmed Date on change of Prodend in a Production Work Order

If this setting is 'ON' - The Confirmed Date (ProdConf) is updated and set when changing the production start or end date.

The Resource free capacity is limited

Value in this setting is a percentage that will impact the Resource available shown in the Resource Planner. If resource day load is less than the percentage set in this value, the resource day 'bar' is shown in green colour at the resource planner overview. Colour shown yellow if load exceeds this percentage

The Resource free capacity is low

Value in this setting is a percentage that will impact Resource available shown in the Resource Planner. If resource day load is exceeds the percentage set in this value, the resource day 'bar' is shown in red colour at the resource planner overview

Time resolution for production calendars

Value in this setting is the Time resolution for production calendars. Example: 00:15 allows calendar shift start and end time to be hh:15,hh:30,hh:45,hh:00. Default resolution if setting is deactivated is '00:30'

Use PLO Archive For Planning

This setting will be used temporary by the JHC development team to allow old and new code during the implementaion phase, replacing ALM with PLO for planning purposes.

Use Assignment Window for Production Work Order (PWO)

If both this setting and 'Margin for SalesLeadTime Assignment Window' is turned "ON", Production Work Orders will always get assignment from PENDING if LINKDELDATE in SAR is outside of the period given by SALESLEADTIME from ART plus the value from the setting 'Margin for SalesLeadTime Assignment Window'. The SAR optimize process will only re-assign production work orders inside of this window. In case several companies have common ART and SAR registers (Group Structure), 'Margin for SalesLeadTime Assignment Window' should only be set up for the company that is set up as OWNERDB, while 'Use Assignment Window for Production Order' should be set for each one of the sales databases.

Warning for Shipping to Supplier on External Operations

Value in this setting is how many days before warning is displayed in the column "ShiptoSupDate" for shipping to External Work. If the setting is 'OFF' - the "External Operations" folder in ProdPlan will not show.