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Ordering external operations

When entering the External Work folder in Purchase (PUR) application from the Production Planning application (PRODPLAN) or from the selected Production Work Order (PWO), you order only one operation for the selected line.

When entering the External Work folder directly from PUR, you may order several external operations on the same purchase order by bulk handling. To open the Purchase (PUR) application, find Procurement in the RamBase menu and then Purchasing. Click Purchase handling to enter the PUR application.

Complete the following steps for ordering several external operations on one Purchase Order (SPO)
  1. Select documents for action

    1. It is possible to mark one, some or all of the documents by using the check-boxes or the drop-down menu above the check-boxes.

    2. To view selected documents, use the radio button. The documents may be un-checked if needed.

  2. Select an action

    1. Click the Select Action-button below the document list to open the Select action popup.

      Here you will be presented with the option Make order.

      This action will affect all items shown, so if you want to remove an item before the next action you may use the Remove Item icon.

    2. Click the Make order-button to continue the process.

  3. Start action

    1. Click the Start Action button to finish the process.

    2. Through this process a new Purchase Order (SPO) is created. The SPO is editable, which means that you may add items to this order. The further handling of this SPO is as for the rest of the purchasing process in RamBase.