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Rental return

The rental return process may be defined as the process where the rented goods/equipment are returned to the renter from the customer. This process always originates from an order and shipment process.

A rental return process may result in
  • The order is completely returned.

  • The order is partially returned.

Rented goods and equipment are normally returned according to terms and conditions already agreed upon. Some choose to rent out goods for an undetermined (but estimated) period, while others prefer a determined period, where a breach of the delivery date can have serious consequences for the customer. In some instances the customer may also deliver rented goods across different rental orders. One example of this may be if several customers work on the same location and use the same transport company, for example an offshore location.

Tasks involved in this process
  • Controlling returned goods - Checking to see if the returned goods are complete and without fault.

  • Create a return document - Registering the goods coming in and attaching a return document to the order.

  • Sending return receipt - Sending a return receipt to one or several recipients by e-mail or physical copy.

  • Follow up on the rental goods - Following up any deviations on the returned goods.