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Settings for Procurement - Purchasing

Setting name


Attach files when sending documents by email

Decide if emails sent from documents should attach the attached files or not. If value is "ON" - Only selected attachment will be sent. If value is "OFF" - Send automatically all attached files. If settings has no value - Attachments will not be sent.

Days after expiration date a Purchase Quote Request (SRQ) changes to status 9

Value in this setting is a number of days after the Expiration date is passed, - that status on Purchase Quote Request (SRQ) will change to status 9.

The change of status may be performed by a nightly batch, or that Expiration date is manually changed

Days before expiration date a Purchase Quote Request (SRQ) change to status 6

Value in this setting is a number of days befor the Expiration date is reached, -that status on Purchase Quote Request will change to status 6.

The change of status may be performed by a nightly batch, or that Expiration date is manually changed.

Default Purchase Currency

Value in this setting should be the Currency that is going to be default PurchaseCurrency  when creating new Purchase Prices in the folder 'Purchase' on Product (ART). If no value added in the setting, - the PurchaseCurrency field must be updated manually when creating new Purchase Prices. Recommended value: Currency that the firm is registered with

Default Purchase Price Type

Value in this setting should be the Type that is going to be default PurchasePriceType when creating new Purchase Prices in the folder 'Purchase' on Product (ART). If no value added in the setting, - the PurchasePriceType field must be updated manually when creating new Purchase Prices. Recommended value: STD (Standard)

Default Purchase Quantity

Value in this setting should be the Quantity that is going to be default PurhaseQuantity when creating new Purchase Prices in the folder 'Purchase' on Product (ART). If no value added in the setting, - PurchaseQuantity must be updated manually when creating new Purchase Prices

Default Purchase Status

Value in this setting should be the Status that is going to be default PurchaseStatus when creating new Purchase Prices in the folder 'Purchase' on Product (ART). If no value added in the setting, - PurchaseStatus must be updated manually when creating new Purchase Prices. Options to be used in the setting are: 1=Unregistered, 4=Valid, 8=Preferred and 9=Obsolete. Recommended value: 4=Valid

Default Requested Delivery Date on Supplier Purchase Order (SPO)

Value in this setting must be a number of days from 0-365. This number of days will be used to update Requested Delivery Date on Supplier Purchase Order (SPO) when a new document is created. If the value in the setting is '0', - Requested Delivery Date will be todays date. If the value is '2' - Requested Delivery Date will be 2 days ahead from today. The field can manually be changed on the Supplier Purchase Order

Default View in Purchase (PUR)

If this setting is "OFF" - The default view in Purchase (PUR) when selecting Supplier Purchase Order (SPO) will be 'Suppliers with Valid Purchase Price'. If the setting is "ON" - you may chose between three values. If selected value is 'ALL' - The default view will be 'My open SPOs' (Supplier Purchase Orders). If selected value is 'PREF' - The defalut view will be 'Preferred Suppliers Only. If the selected value is 'SQUSUP' - The default view will be 'SQU Supplier'. It is possible to change view (radiobutton) in the Select SPO pop-up manually


Number of days, used in calculation of LINKDELDATE and LINKREQ.

Department as mandatory on Supplier Purchase Order (Requisition)

If this setting is "ON" - Department field in Accounting folder on Supplier Purchase Order (Type=Requisiton) must be filled before the Supplier Purchase Order can be forwarded to the customer

Department as mandatory on Supplier Purchase Order (Service)

If this setting is "ON" - Department field in Accounting folder on Supplier Purchase Order (Type=Service) must be filled before the Supplier Purchase Order can be forwarded to the customer

Print Supplier Product Name from Product (ART)

If this setting is "ON" - If the field Supplier Product Name on Purchase document items are empty, Supplier Product Name from Product (ART) will be printed when forwarding Purchase documents. If the setting is "OFF" - No information for Supplier Product Name from Product will be printed, only the information in the field on Purchase document items

Project is mandatory on Supplier Purchase Order (SPO)

If this setting is "ON" - Project field in Accounting folder on Supplier Purchase Order Item (SPO-ITM) must be filled before the document can be forwarded to Supplier. Same rules for Ordinary and Requisition Supplier Purchase Order

Purchase LeadTime Margin Days

Number of days to be used in the calculation of ART.FirstReq that show in PUR.

Select Product (ART) from this Supplier (SUP)

If this setting is "ON" - The checkbox 'Include Parts from this Supplier only' will be marked as default in ITMSART (In Select Part pop-up when adding a Product (ART) to a Supplier document). It is possible to unmark the checkbox manually

Ship Average Weeks in Purchase (PUR) for Direct Purchase

Value in this setting should be the number of weeks that is used in the 'Ship.avg' (Average Shipped Quantity) column in Direct Shipment folder in Purchase (PUR). The number of weeks in this setting will be used for presenting Average Shipped Quantity for this periode