Currency dates and unconfirmed transactions
In the Confirm PAY: Banks (CONFPAY) application you get an overview of all unconfirmed transactions.
There will be one item line for each combination of bank account and currency date. Each of these item lines contain one or more payments. You can press ENTER on an item line to view the payment(s) that are included.
If you change the currency date on one of the payments included in an item line. This will generate a new item line in the CONFPAY table with this unique combination of bank account and currency date, as long as this combination does not already exist. If so, the payment will be added to the relevant combination.
The CurDate column
The CurDate column in the table lists the preferred payment date. This is based on the due date from the invoices that were sent for payment in the Pay Management (PAM) application.
The CurDate field
The fields CurDate and Period in the upper right corner of the CONFPAY window reflect the bank date and the fiscal period that will be used if you use the F12 option Confirm Payments.
Make sure that the CurDate and Period fields are in compliance to the currency date on the file from the bank. All confirmed payments (PAY) will then be updated with this date and period.