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Create a new account to the Chart of Accounts

If you want to add an account to the Chart of Accounts (ACC), you can create this from a template or manually.

Use the Copy account option in the context field to create a duplicate in Status 1, with the same information as the selected account.

Create a new ledger account from a template

It is possible to create a single or multiple accounts at the same time from a template.

  1. To open the Chart of Account (ACC) application, find Finance in the RamBase menu and then Base registers. Click Chart of Accounts to enter the ACC application.

  2. Click the Create new from template button.

  3. Select which template you want to use in the Source field. A tree structure will appear.

  4. Filter on the account groups in the Root Node field. The accounts with a check-box can be selected. The accounts without check-boxes are already implemented in your Chart of Accounts.

  5. Click the Select Action button. A popup is opened. Verify that everything is OK before you click the Create button.

  6. In the new pop up that is opened there are two checkboxes.

    1. Use the checkbox Use agio settings from templates if you want agio settings to be copied from the template for each chosen account.

    2. Use the input field FromPeriod to set the accounting period from which the accounts should be valid. No postings can be made to the account(s) before this period.

  7. Click the Start Actionbutton and then the OK button the accounts. The accounts will now be listed in the Chart of accounts (ACC) application.

  8. The imported account(s) will have a standard setup, but it is possible to alter and add more information to the account when the account is in Status 1. For more details, please read point 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 in the chapter Create a new ledger account manually below.

Create a new ledger account manually
  1. Start from the Chart of Accounts (ACC) application.

  2. Click the Create new account button.

  3. Insert values in the fields:

    • Account Number - The account number. Maximum 50 characters and possible characters are:

      • 0-9

      • a-z, A-Z

      • Symbols (.,_-)

    • Name - Name of the account.

    • Type - Define if the account is going to be a Result, Profit and Loss (P&L) or Off-balance account.

    • Default VAT code - Select the correct VAT code.

    • Effective period - The accounting period for the account to be valid from.

    • Parent account number - Add the parent account in this field. This setting will only be shown if your company has activated a Company setting (CSV) for using the chart of account’s tree structure.

  4. Click the Create button to create the account to Status 1. You will now see the account details and it is possible to add more information.

Activate an account
  1. To open the Chart of Account (ACC) application, find Finance in the RamBase menu and then Base registers. Click Chart of Accounts to enter the ACC application.

  2. Highlight the specific account which in not activated. The account will be in Status 1.

  3. Select the Activate account option in the context menu.

  4. The account is now activated to Status 4 in the Chart of Accounts (ACC) application.

All new accounts that are not activated in the Chart of Accounts yet will be set to Status 1. If you want to list these accounts, use the filter field to filter the list of accounts to accounts with Status 1. You have to activate the accounts one by one when they are ready to be activated.