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Settings for Logistics - Deviation handling

Setting name


Automatically remove assignments to create stock correction if not enough available quantity

Automatically remove assignments to create Stock correction (SAW) if there is not enough available quantity. Assignments to Sales order (COA) and Production work order (PWO) will be removed, and rather assigned as PENDING. The assignments will only be removed if no picking has been confirmed and if they are not locked in any way. Assignments to Sales order (COA) in Status 1 - Pending registration, will not be removed. The priority of which assignments that will be removed, will be according to the scheduled shipping date (LINKDELDATE) sorted in descending order. This means that assignments to Sales orders (COA) / Production work orders (PWO) that need the goods most far out in time, will be removed first.

Register Stock Correction (SAW)

If this setting is "ON" - Stock Correction (SAW) is automatically registered to status 9. If this setting is "OFF" - Stock Correction will just be created in status 0 and must be registered manually. (this setting has no impact on PaterNoster or Stock Taking)

Register Stock Correction (SAW) from  Stock Takings (STT)

If this setting is "ON" - Stock Correction (SAW) will be registered automatically to status=9 when Stock Correction is created from Stock Takings (STT). If setting is "OFF" - Stock Correction will be created in status=0, and must be manually registered to status 9.

Register Stock Correction (SAW) if Deviation

Stock Correction (SAW) will be created if quantity in the stock adjustment file from WMS mismatch with RamBase quantity. If value in this setting is ST0, the Stock Correction will be created in status=0 and must be registered to status=9 manually. If the value is ST9, the Stock Correction will registered to status 9 automatically.

SerialNumber on Supplier Return (SRT)

If this setting is "ON" - Supplier Return (SRT) can be shipped without SerialNumber registered, even if the Product is defined with 'RequireSnoToShip' = Yes. If the setting is "OFF" - Supplier Return can not be shipped without Serialnumber if the Product is defined with 'RequireSnoToShip' = Yes.

Supplier Return (SRT) linked to Goods Reception (SSA) with another Supplier Id

If this setting is "ON" - Supplier Return (SRT) can not be linked in Assignment Register (SAR) to a Goods Reception (SSA) registered on another Supplier. If the setting is "OFF" - Supplier Return can be linked in Assignment Register to a Goods Reception registered on another Supplier, even if the Supplier Id between Supplier Return and Goods Reception is mismatching. Recommended value: ON

Supplier used on Goods Reception (SSA) for repair

If the Company doesn't load their sales history from  Shipping Advice (CSA) with associated Goods Reception (SSA) into RamBase, a Supplier must be created and set as value in this setting. The Supplier will be used when Goods Reception are created from Deviations (CDV) with no Source information. The format to be used is: NNNNNN (N for numbers)