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Settings for Auction - Conduct auctions

Setting name



This should hold a reference to an article, so an article must be created in ART archive. This article will be the one that the auction system will use for SupFee in  SIN documents. Format to be used: ART/#123456

CreateTime for Supplier Invoice (SIN)

Value in this setting is either 'DIR' or 'BAT, and these options decide when the system should create Supplier Invoice (SIN) when a Combined LOT is sold. 'DIR' - Supplier Invoice will be created immediately after the LOT is sold. 'BAT' - Supplier Invoice will be created  by a batchjob when F12 Aftersale is started from Auction (EVT). For Online LOTs, the SIN will be created by a batch job every night

Extension of End at Time on LOT

Value in this setting is a TimeLimit that is added to the EndAt time on LOT, - if a Bid is received within the TimeLimit in this setting. E.g. - If the value in the setting is 00 00:03:00, 3 more minutes will be added to the EndAt time on LOT, - if a Bid is recieved within 3 minutes before the EndAt time on LOT

Max Fee Amount on Sales Order (COA)

Value in this setting is a numeric value for Max Fee Amount limit on Sales Order (COA). The Fee field is below the Freight field on Sales Order. If AdmFee is set in Finance folder on Auction (EVT), this amount will be accumulated per Sales Order Item up to a Max limit by this setting. The value is in SYS.CUR, means if DataBase has Currency=NOK, the value in the setting will be in NOK. If AdmFee (in EVT/Finance folder) is 50 NOK, and the Max Fee Amount limit in this setting is 140, - only the first two Sales Order Items will create Fee, and the Fee on Sales Order will not exceed 100 NOK. - Auction/Customer and supplier management

Max Sell To in Podium application

Value in this setting is the max number of LOT's you are allowed to sell in one step using the 'Sell To' functionallity in the Podium application. If you pass the limit, you will get an information message in Podium saying "The max sell to limit has been exceeded! .. is the max limit!", and no LOTs are sold in this step

Minimum Commision on Combined LOT that is sold

Value in this setting must be an amount that will be used to register a minimum Commision Amount on Supplier Invoice Item (SIN-ITM). This value will be used to insure that the Auction house will get enought paid for selling the LOT for the Supplier. If the value in this setting is less than Commision Percent of the Current Bid, the Commision percent on LOT will be used, - and not the value from this setting. This setting is only for combined auctions, and not for online auctions

Minimum Commision on Online LOT that is sold

Value in this setting must be an amount that will be used to register a minimum Commision Amount on Supplier Invoice Item (SIN-ITM). This value will be used to insure that the Auction house will get enought paid for selling the LOT for the Supplier. If the value in this setting is less than Commision Percent of the Current Bid, the Commision percent on LOT will be used, - and not the value from this setting. This setting is only for  online auctions, not for combined auctions

Number of Overbid Notifiers

Value is this setting explains how many overbid object notifiers a Customer (CUS) are allowed to receive. Default value is "1", but this can be changed

Product (ART) for Commission Fee on Supplier Invoice (SIN)

The value in this setting must be a Product  (ART) with Name=Commision. This Product will be used to registrate Commision Fee on Supplier Invoice Item (SIN-ITM). Format to be used: ART/#NNNNNN (N for numbers). For more information: - Auction/Customer and supplier management

Product (ART) for Fee on Sales Order (COA)

The value in this setting must be a Product Id (ART) with the name you want to use for the Customer Fee on Sales Order (COA). The Fee Amount will be calculated according to the value in the field Fee Percent on the Customer (CUS). Remember to update Reorder Point and Reorder Quantity via Local Stock folder on the Product, to avoid 'empty' stock. Format to be used: ART/#NNNNNN (N for numbers). For more information: - Auction/Customer and supplier management

Product (ART) for Handle Fee on Supplier Invoice (SIN)

Value in this setting must be a Product  (ART) with Name=HandleFee. HandleFee is a fee that Suppliers (SUP) has to pay the Auction house, even if the LOT is sold or not. The product will be used to registrate HandleFee on Supplier Invoice Item (SIN-ITM). Handle Fee can be set as fixed fee for the company by adding a value in CSV/AuctionSupShippingAdviceHandleFeeAmount. A Handle Fee value can also be set for one single LOTSSA or on one single LOT.  Format to be used: ART/#NNNNNN (N for numbers). For more information: - Auction/Customer and supplier management

Sort by in AuctionId dropdown

Value in this setting indicates how the Auctions (EVT) are sorted in the dropdown list for Auctions. Options are NO (AuctionId), Type (Combined/Online for EVT) or ST (status on the EVT). Default value is NO, but this can be changed. The dropdown for Auctions (EVT)  you find several places in the auction  module, in Bidlist, Bidnote, via F12 Set BidderNo on CUS, Bidding folder on CUS, MainEvt on Auction (EVT) and LOT meny (Objects and Schedule folder)