Setup cost for planned manhours in Product structure (KITART) and inspect and edit the planned manhours in Production structures (KITDOC)
This procedure allows the user to add variable planned manhours to Operations (OPR) included in Product structures (KITART), that have Production resources (RESCONFIG) setup to log manhours.
The planned man hours are specified per unit produced, this means that if an Operation (OPR) has a planned manhours of one (1), setup in the Structure operation item (KITARTOPRITM), then the value will be 1*Net quantity of the Production work order (PWO) in the Structure operation item (KITDOCOPRITM).
Manhours can be only be added or edited while Product structures (KITART) and Production structures (KITDOC) are in Status 1 - Draft
Required setup in Production resource details (RESCONFIG)
To open the Production resource details (RESCONFIG) application from the RamBase menu, select Production, followed by Resource management and finally Resource configuration. Then verify that the listed options are taken into account:
Allow man hours - Only Operations (OPR) using Production resources (RESCONFIG) which allow manhours can have manhours added to the Structure operation item (KITARTOPRITM).
A Manhour rate of type Standard must apply to the Production resource (RESCONFIG).
Note that the Allow manhours checkbox can only be changed when the Production resources (RESCONFIG) is in Status 1 - Pending registration.
From the RamBase menu click Product, followed by Structures management and finally Structures management again to open the Kit menu (KIT) application.
Kit menu (KIT) application
The Kit menu (KIT) application allows efficient handling of product structures, and navigating via the RamBase menu option Structures management provides a filtered view, displaying all Product structures (KITART) of type K, KS and KA in Status 4 - Active or below.
To open the Product structure (KITART) application, first click to select and highlight the product structure where manhours are to be added, then press ENTER.
If not already selected, click the Kit Details tab. All Operations (OPR) and Products (ART) included in the Product structure (KITART) are listed here.
Identify which Operation(s) (OPR) are to be added manhours and click to highlight the Operation (OPR).
To open the Structure operation item (KITARTOPRITM) application, press ENTER on a highlighted Operation (OPR).
To add Manhours to the Structure operation item (KITARTOPRITM), the Operation (OPR) in the context of the Product structure (KITART), add decimal hours to the Manhours field in the Time area.
In the process of handling a Production work order (PWO), the user can inspect the planned manhours.
Open the Production work orders (PWOMENU) application from the RamBase menu by clicking Production, followed by Production and finally Production work orders.
Select or search for the Production work order (PWO) to be inspected, highlight it and press ENTER or alternatively, click the Right arrow icon to open the Production work order (PWO) application.
To open the Product structure (KITDOC) application, click the Structure button in the Links area.
To open the Structure operation item (KITDOCOPRITM) application, click and highlight the Operation (OPR) in the Kit details tab and press ENTER.
Inspect the Planned ManHours field in the Main tab.
Inspect the Planned ManHours and Manhourrate fields in the Cost tab.
In the process of handling a Production work order (PWO), the user can edit the planned manhours.
As noted, Production structure (KITDOC) can only be edited in Status 1 - Draft. A new version must therefore be made.
Open the Production work orders (PWOMENU) application from the RamBase menu by clicking Production, followed by Production and finally Production work orders.
Select or search for the Production work order (PWO) to be inspected, highlight it and press ENTER or alternatively, click the Right arrow icon to open the Production work order (PWO) application.
Select or search for the Production work order (PWO) to be inspected, highlight it and press ENTER or alternatively, click the Right arrow icon to open the Production work order (PWO) application.
To open the Product structure (KITDOC) application, click the Structure button in the Links area.
As noted, Production structure (KITDOC) can only be edited in Status 1 - Draft. A new version must therefore be made.
To create a new version, click the Copy version icon in the Header.
Copy version icon
In the following popup, confirm the creation of the new version by clicking OK.
Result: A new version of the Production structure (KITDOC) is now created in Status 1 - Draft. Note that it is still a draft. Therefore after making the changes to the manhours, the version must be activated, set in Status 4 - Active.
To edit the manhours, open the Structure operation item (KITDOCOPRITM) application by clicking and highlight the Operation (OPR) in the Kit details tab and then press ENTER.
In the Structure operation item (KITDOCOPRITM) application, located the Planned manhours area, and then edit the Planned manhours field.
To confirm the change, click the Confirm button.