Assign to stock
The Assign to Stock functionality is useful when you want to release a production, since this requires that all parts used in the first operation must be assigned to stock.
When you create a Production Work Order (PWO), the parts needed for the production will be assigned to goods in stock (SSA), to goods produced by another production (PWO), to a Purchase Order (SPO/SOA) or to a pending purchase (PENDING).
The Assign to Stock functionality will take all the assignments that are not assigned to and try and assign them to stock. If no goods are available in stock, the program will try and swap assignments with other not started production work orders and sales orders which are assigned to stock. If no swapping can be performed the old assignment is kept.
Criterias for assignments that can be assigned to stock
Is not assigned to stock
Must be a physical part
Not locked
Not initialized for picking
Criterias for assignments that can be swapped with
Same part
Same location
Must be assigned to stock
Must be a physical part
Not allowed for goods owned by other customers
Not locked
Not initialized for picking
Production work order that the part will be taken from could not be started
The setting Production WorkOrder Assign To Stock must be activated.
Assign to Stock functionality is also available for sales orders. The setting Sales Order Assign To Stock must be activated.