Bank account setup
A company usually has many different types of bank accounts like operation accounts, tax accounts, and investment accounts. All bank accounts have to be connected to unique accounts in the Chart of accounts.
How RamBase selects the bank account in the payment information on the Sales invoice (CIN):
At the respective BANK, there is a checkbox called Is default bank for outgoing payments. If you check of this checkbox at the respective BANK, the outgoing Sales invoice (CIN)/CCN will retrieve bank information from this BANK. That is, if you have a BANK in EUR that is marked with Is default bank for outgoing payments and create a Sales invoice (CIN) in EUR, payment information (such as account nuAmber etc.) will be retrieved from this BANK on the Sales invoice (CIN). In the same way: if you have a BANK in USD that is marked with Is default bank for outgoing payments and create a Sales invoice (CIN) in USD, payment information (such as account number etc.) will be retrieved from this BANK on the Sales invoice (CIN).
If you create a Sales invoice (CIN) in a currency for which you do not have a currency account/currency BANK, then payment information for this invoice will be obtained from the BANK in your company's base currency given that this BANK is set up as Is default bank for outgoing payments.