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Setting for Sales - Order handling

Setting name


Amount limit forAutoFee

The value of this setting is the threshold order value, in local currency, below which the AutoFeeis automatically applied. When you create order items in the Sales Order (COA), Sales Order Request (CPO) and Sales Quote (CQU) applications, - or change the Quantity or Sale price in these applications, the system compares the total order value to the Amount limit for AutoFee. If the value of the total order in these applications is less than the specified Amount limit, the AutoFee value from CSV/CusOrderAutoFeeCalculationAmount is added to the order value. The format for this value is: N (N for numerals).

Note: Not used by Rambase customers since 2017.


The value of this setting is the amount in local currency of the AutoFee in the Sales Order (COA), Sales Order Request   (CPO) and Sales Quote (CQU) applications. The AutoFeeis only applied when the Customer/Applications are configured for AutoFee calculation and the gross value of the order is below the Amountlimit set in CSV/CusOrderAutoFeeCalculationAmountLimit. The format for this value is: N (N for numerals).

Note: Not used by Rambase customers since 2017.

Approval of change in Gross Margin

The value of this setting is the percentage of allowable variation in the Gross Margin without requiring a new Gross Margin approval. This setting is used in the Sales Order (COA), Shipping Advice (CSA)and Sales Invoice (CIN) applications. New approval is required only when the percentage difference between the previous and current Gross Margin is higher than the value of Approval of change in Gross Margin. The format for this value is: N (N for numerals).

Attach files when sending Sales Order (COA) by email

Use this setting to specify if emails sent from the Sales Order (COA) application should have the applicable files attached. If the value is ON, you can select two options:

1) Only send selected attachments


2) Autmatically send all attachments.

Customer Order Cancel - Not Redirect To New

If this setting is set to ON, you are not redirected to the cancelled Sales Order (COA) when you cancel a Sales Order (COA) using the cancellation function (red X-icon). You will see the original Sales Order .

Decimals in Amount field on documents

Specify the number of decimal places in the Gross Amount field in the archived Sales Order, Sales Invoice..  (COA/CIN/...)

Decimals in Price field on documents

Specify the number of decimal places in the Gross Price field in the archived Sales Order, Sales Invoice..  (COA/CIN/...)

Default Gross Margin on Sales documents

The value of this setting is the default Gross Margin percentage to be used for products without a Sales price.

The Sales price is calculated from the Purchase price using the default Gross Margin you specify as a percentage. If you do not specify this value, the system uses 25% as the default Gross Margin.

This setting is used in the Sales Order (COA), Sales Quote (CQU), Sales Order Request (CPO) and  Shipping Advice (CSA).

The format for this value is: N (N for numerals).

More information is given at: in Create a Sales Order

Default price rounding rule-set for sales

The value of this setting is the the ID of the rule-set to use for rounding prices in the Sales Order Item (CIN-ITM) and Sales Quote Item (CQU-ITM) applications.

If you do not want to specify the rule-set, leave this setting blank.

Default View when select Product (ART)

If this paramater is set to ON,the default view is the Active products in the ITMCART (the Application where you choose the product when a customer document item is created). If this setting is deactivated, the default view is All products in ITMCART.

Note: This setting is only available in legacy applications, not REX applications.

Default View when select Product (ART) for Customer Orders

Specify the default filter when selecting Product (ART) for Customer orders in ITMCART (the Application where you choose the product when a customer document item is created). If this setting is deactivated, default view will be All products in ITMCART.

Note: This setting is only available in legacy applications, not HTML5 applications.

Department as mandatory on Sales Order (COA)

If this setting is set to ON, the Department field in the Accounting folder of the Sales Order (COA) must be filled before the Sales Order is forwarded to the customer

Hide default currency on Document prints

If this setting is set to ON, the Default currency for the company is not displayed when documents are printed or emailed. The Currency is only displayed in the printed and emailed documents if the Currency is different from the Default currency of the company.

Hide the currency rate when it is different from default currency

If this setting is set to ON, the Currency is hidden if it differs from the Default currency of the company.

This setting applies to all customer and supplier documents.

Import backlog value from Sales Orders (COA) to General Ledger (GL)

If this setting is set to ON, scheduled batch jobs are run that update Sales Orders (COA) to import the backlog value to the General Ledger.

Inspect from Customer backlog (CUSBACKLOG)

If you specify this setting, when you select Inspect from a line in CUSBACKLOG , the Customer Backlog Management (CBM) application is displayed. If the setting is specified, the Customer Backlog (COA) - By ITM (NGREP/100090) is displayed.

Link Warning on Sales Order (COA)

This value must be specified as an integer which indicates the number of days before the Scheduled shipping date that the Sales Order (COA) is issued a status 6 (warning), if the quantity is not totally linked to stock.

Margin for SalesLeadTime Assignment Window

If this setting and the Use Assignment Window for Sales Order/Production Work Order setting are set to ON, Sales Orders/Production Work Orders are always assigned to PENDING if the LINKDELDATE in SAR is outside of the period given by SALESLEADTIME from ART, plus the margin from this setting. The SAR optimize process only re-assigns orders inside this window. If several companies have common ART and SAR registers (Group Structure), the Margin for SalesLeadTime Assignment Window'must only be specified for the company that is set up as OWNERDB. The Use Assignment Window for Sales Order/Production Work Order should be specified for each of the sales databases. The margin should be given in the number of days. The functions of the Assignment Window can not be used if the company is not also set up to run the nightly SAR optimize job.

Partners info

The value of this setting is the partner setup for the company. The Partner field in Manufacture (MFR) can be updated with this information, e.g. PSWAREHOUSE, but it can also be a comma-separated list where values can be added.

Project number as mandatory on Sales Order (COA)

If this setting is set to ON, the Finance project field in the Accounting folder of the Sales Order (COA) must be filled before the Sales Order can be forwarded to the customer

Reconfirm production work order (PWO) when a sales order (COA) is reconfirmed

When confirmed date is updated in a sales order item (COA) with products of type "K" or "KA", the user will be asked to also update confirmed date in the assigned production work orders (PWO)

ReConfirm Sales Order (COA)

If this setting is "ON" - Confirmed delivery date will automatically be updated in Sales Order Item (COA-ITM) for selected locations if confirmed delivery date is changed in any of the transactions that are assigned to COA-ITMs, -e.g in a (SOA-ITM), and this change causes that confirmed date in COA-ITM should be changed. This update will be logged in revision history on the Sales Order.


In the Value field, add the three-letter abbreviation of the Locations (LOC), the enabled setting applies. In example VAT for Vats.

Use "," as a separator:

For example "VAT,HAU,RFK,AMS".

If this setting in "OFF" - Confirmed delivery date will not automatically be updated in sales order item, but there will rather be set a notification in the item about that confirmed delivery date has been changed in transactions which do have assignments to this COA-ITM. In case CSV/"Don't reconfirm sales order if shipping day is a fixed week day" is "ON", confirmed delivery date will anyway not be updated if Shipping Day is a fixed day in the week of delivery or before delivery.. A notification will rather be added to the item.

Don't reconfirm sales order if shipping day is a fixed week day

If this setting is "ON" - Change in confirmed delivery date from supplier or production backlog will not cause automatic update of confirmed delivery date in Sales Order Item (COA-ITM) if ShippingDay is a fixed week day. In this case a message will be set on Sales Order Item

Request Date on Sales Order (COA)

The value of this setting must be an integer from 0 to 365, that is used to calculate the Requested delivery date for the Sales Order Item (COA-ITM). If you specify 0 as the value, the Sales Order Itemreceives the Requested delivery date on the current date. If you specify 2 as the value, the Sales Order item receives a Requested delivery date of the current date plus two days.

Sales Order (COA) Assign To Stock

If this setting is set to ON, users are allowed the option to start a job that attempts to link all the items in the Sales Order (COA) to stock. If there is no Free Stock, the program attempts to swap links with other documents. The job is started by the option Assign To Stock under Activities And Operations in Sales Order.

Seller on Sales Order Item (COA-ITM)

If this setting is CUS.PIDEXT, in the Seller field in the Sales Order (COA), Shipping Advice (CSA) and the Sales Invoice (CIN) are updated from the PidExternal field in Customer (CUS). If the value is CUS.PIDINT , the Seller field is updated from the PidInternal field in Customer. If the value is SYS.PID, the Seller field is populated with the name and personell id (PID) of the creator of the document. Information from these fields in Customer are aslo copied to other fields in the Sales Order (COA). PidExternal=Account manager, PidInternal=Sales Assistant and Person that creates the Sales Order SysPid=Assignee. If thissetting is set to OFF, the Seller field is populated with information from PidExternal

Show Docby Popup Before Registering Sales Order (COA)

If this setting is set to ON, the Docby Popup is displayed before you can register a Sales Order (COA). In this popup you can select how the document should be sent to customer.

Use Assignment Window for Sales Order (COA)

If this setting and the Margin for SalesLeadTime Assignment Window setting are both set to ON, the Sales Order is supplied the assignment from PENDING if LINKDELDATE in SAR is outside of the period given by SALESLEADTIME from ART, plus the value from the setting Margin for SalesLeadTime Assignment Window. The SAR optimize process only optimizes the Sales Order within this window. In case several companies have common ART and SAR registers (Group Structure), the Margin for SalesLeadTime Assignment Window should only be specified for the company that is configured as the OWNERDB, the Use Assignment Window for Sales Order should be specified for every sales database.

Priority of suggested sales price

If the setting is switched off, then the lowest applicable price is suggested. If the setting is switched ON, then it is possible to choose the desired order from the available options in the drop-down menu.