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Knowledge Center

Purchase Groups (PUG)

Purchase Groups (PUG) is an application for creating groups of purchasers within each location (LOC).


The Purchase groups area to the left shows a list of all purchase groups. The Purchase group area to the right shows the details, including the purchasers, of the chosen purchase group.

To create a new purchase group:

  1. Click the Create a new purchase group

  2. Add a name and a description.

  3. Click the Add Employees button to the right to add employees to the group. Use the filtering options at the top if necessary.

  4. Use the Deactivate Purchase Group button if you want to discontinue the purchase group. This option will set the purchase group to status 9.

The purchase group you have created will now be available in the Purchase (PUR) and Purchase backlog management (PBM) applications in the PurchGroup/Purchase Group dropdown menus. Connecting a Product (ART) and a location to a Purchase group (PUG) is performed in from the Properties tab, and then the Main data sub-tab, in the Procurement area.