Set up Company settings (CSV) and create a Serial number template (SNT)
Enable the Use SNT Archive for Serial Number Company setting (CSV) before using the Serial number templates (SNT) application.
To open the settings, type "CSV/Serial" in the Program field and press ENTER.
Disable all settings labeled N/A for new customers.
Enable Use SNT Archive for Serial Number.
Type SNT in the Program field and press the ENTER key to open the Serial number templates (SNT) application. Alternatively select Product, then Product management, followed by Serial number templates from the RamBase menu to open the Serial number templates (SNT) application.
To create a new Serial number template (SNT), click the Create new Serial Number Template button. Click OK when to confirm in the following popup.
Result: A new Serial number template (SNT) in Status 1 - Pending activation, is now created.
Make sure the new Serial number template (SNT) is selected and click the Elements tab on the right side.
You can either search for an element, or create a new element by clicking Create new serial number element button.
Click and type the Order index for the element in the Order Index field. The Order Index determines the order of display, with the lowest Order Index being the left-most element.
Select the Content Type in the drop-down list. There are four content types:
TEXT, select this content type to specify up to 39 characters of the serial number in the Content field.
DATEFORMAT, the format values are:
DATEFORMATYYYYMMDD - Full date (length 8)
YYYY - Year (length 4)
YY - Year (length 2)
MM - Month (length 2
DD - Day of month (length 2)
WW - Week number (length 2)
DAY - Day number in week (length 1)
DDD - Number of day in year
FIELD, which allows you to choose between the values:
FIELD - Given field from RamBaseLCMNO - Product unit id
PART - Product name
PWONO - Production work order id
PWOREVISION - Production work order product revision
PWOPRODSTART - Production work order scheduled start date
If PWOPRODSTART is selected, the date format must be selected in the Format drop-down menu.
If the Content Type is specified to be TEXT, DATEFORMAT or FIELD, select Has Sequence Dependence if the numbering sequence is to restart for every new value of TEXT, DATEFORMAT or FIELD.
For example, if Has Sequence Dependence is selected in the DATEFORMAT, every change of either the day, week or year restarts the auto-generated numbering in SEQUENCE.
SEQUENCE, a system-generated incremental counter.
Specify the Length, Fill and Start Value. Specify the fill characters in the Fill field. Specify the start value in the Start Value field.
Specify the Length, Fill and Start Value. Specify the fill characters in the Fill field. Specify the start value in the Start Value field.
Apply Serial number template (SNT) to specific products.
Click the Add New Applied Product button in the Applied Products tab.
In the popup, click the Product Lookup to look for products to link to the Serial number template (SNT). You can also select a specific revision of a product, if revisions exist. Select Create Another to efficiently link more products to the Serial number template (SNT).
The serial numbers are created when the Production work order (PWO) is released for production, set from a status lower than 4 to a status of 4, or higher. RamBase searches for the Serial number template (SNT) linked to the products in the Production work order (PWO), and uses any Serial number template (SNT) linked to the product to create the serial number.
If a linked Serial number template (SNT) is not found, a Serial number template (SNT) without linked products is used.
The Counter tab shows the current state of the automatic numbering scheme (SEQUENCE) in the Serial number template (SNT).
The Counter tab will be populated by serial numbers linked to Product units (LCM) that are created by released Production work orders (PWO).
To verify, inspect the Serial number column in the Product units and current work order operation area of a Production work order (PWO).