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Settings for Logistics - Warehouse management

Setting name


Create Stock Correction (SAW) from Count Application

If this setting is ON, you will see an icon in the COUNT application (HHT) that will lead you to the STS application. In STS, you can create a stock correction (SAW) by scanning a given goods reception item at a given stock location.

Create Stock Correction (SAW) if Deviation at Stock Taking

If this setting is ON, a stock correction (SAW) will automatically be attempted to be created if a user register a counted stock quantity different from expected stock quantity in COUNT application during a stock taking. If counted quantity is changed in COUNT or STTGOODS afterwards, the SAW will be deleted as long as it is still not registered, and a new SAW will be created based on new counted quantity. This setting should be used in combination with setting "Register stock correction (SAW) "to 'Off'

External Warehouse Management System

This setting is used to state that the company uses an external warehouse management system that has an interface towards RamBase.

Select from the drop-down menu:
  • Uses both External Warehouse and RamBase.

  • Use External Warehouse only.

Show all Goods Receptions (SSA) at use of Relocate

If setting is 'ON' - Stock Location Assignments for all Goods Receptions (SSA) of same product and location will show initially in the Relocate application for handheld device. Otherwise, only Stock Location Assignments for the selected Goods Reception will show initially

Sort COUNT application by Product and GoodsReception

If this setting is ON, goods to be counted in the COUNT application will be sorted by StockLocation, Product, GoodsReceptionId and GoodsReceptionItemId. If the setting is OFF, standard sorting applies, meaning that the goods will just be sorted by StockLocation


The Warehouse management module must be added in the Module (MODULE) application for it to be available.