Inventory movement
It is possible to report all inventory movement (in or out) for a specific number of months, as in the Stock Value Register (SVR) there is a field that tells when a product was last registered into stock (LINDATE = Last In Date) and when it was last taken out of stock (LOUTDATE = Last Out Date).
These fields can be used as a filter in stock reports to list articles that have / have not been moved for a given period of time.
The report SVR Turn-Report: Group by Art (REP/100343) can list articles with movement before a given date (e.g. 1st of February 2019) by using this filter: REP/100343;LOUTDATE<2019.02.01
The Inventory Balances (INVBAL) can list stock value for articles per end of a specific year (e.g. 2018), but only articles that have had no movement after a given date (e.g. 25th of January), by using this filter: INVBAL1/201812;LOUTDATE<2018.01.25
To get the report as a file attachment by e-mail:
Select the option Make CSV file from the context menu