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Manufacturer Part Number (MPN)

Manufacturer Part Number (MPN) is a unique identifier for a certain product. It differs from a serial number, which identifies the product model, as it also identifies the manufacturer behind the product. This is useful in situations where the same product is produced by multiple manufacturers, but the properties of the product differ between the manufacturers.


It is possible to choose which manufacturer you want to order the product from in the following RamBase documents: Purchase quote request (SRQ), Purchase quote (SQU), Purchase order (SPO), Purchase order response (SOA) and Goods reception (SSA).

Field descriptions
  • ManufacturersProductId (NO): Manufacturer product identifier.

  • ProductId (IT): Product identifier. This points to the product the MPN should be connected to.

  • Status (ST): Status of manufacturer product

  • Name (MFRPART): Manufacturers name of the product. Also known as Manufacturer Part Number (MPN).

  • ManufacturerId (MFRNO): Manufacturer identifier.

  • Ispreferred (ISPREFERRED): Manufacturer products can be set as preferred. This is only for information. You may have several preferred MPNs for the same product.

  • PackageQuantity (PACKQTY): Total quantity of the product within a package.

  • BundleQuantity (SUBQTY): Quantity of the product within each bundle. E.g. if the total package quantity is 100, they might be stored within the package in bundles of 10. Bundle quantity should then be set to 10.

  • BundleWrapping (PACK): Type of wrapping used for each bundle inside the package. E.g. tray, tube, reel.

  • LastTimeBuyDate (LASTTIMEBUYDAYTE): The last time buy (LTB) date is the last date on which the manufacturer will accept orders for this product.

  • InternalNote (NOTE): Internal note/comment about manufacturers product.