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JPK_V7M & JPK_V7K file and related functionality

JPK_V7M / JPK_V7K is a standard format for exchanging account data in Poland. JPK_V7M is a file used for monthly reporting, while JPK_V7K is a file used for quarterly reporting.

Order Polish JPK_V7M or JPK_V7K file
  1. Start by entering the VAT Specification (VAS) application.

  2. Press F12 to open the action menu and choose the Order SAF-T file: V7M ( JPK_V7M ) or Order SAF-T file: V7K ( JPK_V7K ) option.

  3. This will open a pop-up menu where the user can fill inn information relevant for the JPK file. All information the user add in this pop-up will be added in the JPK file.

  4. Select the correct period and click OK. The JPK file will be sent to the user's email.

Related functionality

New functionalities have been released in RamBase due to the requirements of the contents of this file. This is done so that the user can fill in the correct information on all the documents.

Split payment functionality

Split payment could be used when paying invoices, so that the VAT amount is split and transferred to a separate VAT bank account. This bank account can only be used to pay VAT or other taxes to the government.

It is now possible to mark both Supplier invoice (SIN) and Sales invoice (CIN)/Sales credit note (CCN) as Subject to split payment.

This can be done by using the F12 option Subject to Split Payment.

It is also possible to remove this tag by using the F12 option Not subjected to Split Payment.

SW – EU sale to a non-company

Used to mark all sales to non-companies in other EU countries.

This value will automatically be set to True, if RamBase register a Sales invoice (CIN)/Sales credit note (CCN) marked as EUSALE and the customer is not a company.

The information will be visible in the Additional information tab in the Document Account Information. Here it is also possible to add/remove the tag manually.

Third party transaction code

On Sales invoices (CIN) and Sales credit notes (CCN), it is possible to mark the documents with a third party transaction code: Procedure 42, Procedure 63 or Not selected. This can be done by entering the Additional information tab in the Document Account Information.

TP – Related business entity

Businesses are obligated to tag business related entities. I.e if you own a company, and your spouse is owning a separate company, these companies are business related.

On both Supplier (SUP) and Customer (CUS) it is now possible to mark the business card as Related entity. This information will then be delivered in the JPK file for all trade documents with this entity.

WEW – Internal invoice

It is possible to mark a Supplier invoice (SIN) as internal, by using the F12 option Mark as Internal Supplier Invoice.

It is also possible to unmark the invoice by using the F12 option Unmark as Internal Supplier Invoice.

GTU code

RamBase will use an existing field for GTU code on Products (ART). The field GR3 on the ART is located in the Classification area in the Misc tab. The user can fill inn GTU_01, GTU_02 etc. in this field and it will be included in the JPK file.

MK – Cash method settlement

In Poland companies can settle accounts with government in two ways – Standard method and Cash method. If your supplier uses the Cash method, you should mark the Supplier card so the field MK in the JPK is tagged correctly.

On the Supplier (SUP) card it is possible to mark the entity with Is Using Cash Method Settlement.

This could be done by entering the Finance Data tab on the SUP. Here you get a option to mark the Supplier as Is Using Cash Method Settlement.

IMP – Purchase outside of EU

All purchases (imports) from outside of EU must be marked.

Invoices with SAFT code: C37 will automatically be marked as IMP (purchase outside of EU).

In addition, the user will have an option to remove or add the IMP tag on the Supplier invoice (SIN) and Supplier credit note (SCN). This can be done by entering the Additional information tab in the Document Account Information.

Additional information

If there is a need to fill in additional company information for the JPK files, the user can enter Company (COM) application on the specific company. When entering the specific COM, click on the Extended Data tab to fill inn extended address information: Municipality, County, Province, Post Office, Building & Apartment.

There is a Tax Data area to enter extended tax data: Region id and Tax Office Code