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Credit management

In RamBase there are two different approaches to crediting. The main difference is whether flow of goods are involved or not.

In cases where goods are to be returned you have to base the credit note on a registered Deviation (CDV). When creating a credit note based on a deviation document, you achieve traceability of deviations and the value of stocks will be correct.

Credit notes may be created directly from the related Sales Invoice (CIN) in cases involving costs, rental, service or goods which are not going to be returned.

In some instances it will be recommended to base the credit note on a CDV even though it is not mandatory:

  • If the person who grants a credit to the customer and the one who creates the credit note are not the same person.

  • If you want to have the possibility to follow up on deviations, i.e. register it into your Quality Report (QAR) application.