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Transfer of vacation days to flex hours

In order to reduce negative flex time, or to pay out vacation days, vacation days may be transferred to the flex account and transformed into flex hours:

In WHL Month view:

  1. Press F12 to open the action menu and choose the Transfer Vacation to Flex option.

  2. Press ENTER.

In the Transfer window:

  1. Check the employee's PID.

  2. Enter how many days to transfer.

  3. Enter how many hours per day, or leave blank. If left blank, standard work hours from the corresponding work scheme will be used.

  4. Select the transfer date. You will find the transfer documented by two ADJ lines in WHL Day View.

  5. For that day.

  6. Click OK.


The transfer is recorded by two ADJ lines in WHL Day view and placed on the date as specified. Note that the days are transformed into flex hours.
