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Settings for Logistics - Shipping

Setting name


Allow ship without package registration

Allow to ship without going through the steps of registering packages

Assignment Register (SAR) Optimization

If this setting is "ON" - The scheduled batchjob  'Logistics: SAR: Optimize' will start for the company. The job is optimazing the Assignment Register (SAR) links.

Assignment Register (SAR) Verification

If this setting is "ON" - Scheduled batchjobs that reconcile transactions in Assignment Register (SAR) to all involved transaction documents is activated. In addition a verification setup must be updated when configuration of the database is done

Attach files when sending Documents by email

Decide if emails sent from documents should attach the attached files or not. If value is "ON" - Only selected attachment will be sent. If value is "OFF" - Send automatically all attached files. If settings has no value - Attachments will not be sent.

Copy Freight on documents

If this setting is "ON" - FreightAmount and/or FeeAmount on document or FeeAmount from Customer, will always be copied when forwarding a document to a new document. If there are several shipments from one Sales Order (COA), there will be FreightAmount and/or FeeAmount on all of them. If currency is changed on the new document, FreightAmount and FeeAmount is also calculated. If setting is "OFF" - FreightAmount and/or FeeAmount will only be copied once when forwarding a document to a new document. If there are several shipments from one Sales Order (COA), the customer will only be charged with FreightAmount and/or FeeAmount once.

Customer Reference Number on Shipping Advice (CSA) set to MixOrder

If the setting is "ON" - If Shipping Advice (CSA) contains items from different Sales Orders (COA), and the Customer Refence Number is different from the Shipping Advice (CSA) and the source of the Shipping Advice, -Customer Reference Number will be set to 'MIXORDER'. But if all Sales Orders have the same Customer Reference Number as the destination Shipping Advice, the Customer Reference Number will stay as it is. Recommended value: ON

Deactivate automatic close of Departing Waybill (WBO) for Direct Shipment

If this setting in 'ON' - Disable functionality that automatically closes Departing Waybills (WBO) to Status=9 when using F12 Forward WBO on Departing Waybill in Status=2. The Departing Waybill will get Status=5. If setting in 'OFF' - The Departing Waybill will go directly to Status=9. NOTE: This setting is only working for Direct Shipments

Grouping on Departing Waybill (WBO)

If this setting is "ON" - no grouping of Departing Waybill (WBO) will be done, and there will be created one Departing Waybill in status 2 per shipment. If this setting is "OFF" - grouping of Departing Waybill will be done according to the setup in the field 'WBOGroupBy' on Shipping Service (SHP). If this field is empty, there is a default setup for grouping Departing Waybill in the code. For more information: about Shipby

Print/Email of Serialnumber on Shipping Advice (CSA)

If this setting is "ON" - Print or email of SerialNumber will be done automatically after Shipping Advice (CSA) has been forwarded.

SerialNumber automatically copied from Goods Reception (SSA)

If this setting is "ON" - SerialNumber will be copied from Goods Reception (SSA) to Shipping Advice (CSA) when Shipping Advice is forwardet to Picking, if the quantity on Shipping Advice/Goods Reception match. If the quantity doesn't match, the option "Select from SSA" can be used manually from Shipping Advice. If the setting is "OFF" - The option "Select from SSA" must be used to add serialnumbers.

Make shipping phone, email and attention mandatory for all external shipments

Turn this setting on if you want to make the phone, email and attention in shipping address mandatory when using an external transport management system. This will be checked when attempting to forward to picking queue and in the process of shipping the shipment.