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Knowledge Center

Contacts (CNT)

A contact (CNT) is a document which is normally created by RamBase users to store contact information about a person or company. CNT is also used by the system to hold information about potential customers when they registers on the web. All contacts need to be defined by the owner, which can be customers, suppliers or companies.

A contact person may be some person who is a contact person in the traditional sense at a customer or supplier registered in the database.

To open the Contacts (CNT) application, find Collaboration in the RamBase menu and then Contact management. Click Contacts to enter the CNT application.

Field descriptions
  • Details area:

    • First name - This field requires the contacts first name.

    • Last name - This field requires the contacts last name.

    • Job title - This field requires the contacts job title (i.e. Developer).

    • Preferred Language - This field enables the user to change which language he/she prefers.

    • Category - This field requires the name of the department the contact is working in.

  • Privacy area - The privacy area displays a set of preferences for the contact in regards to receipt of mail, such as newsletters, deals etc. Use this area to handle personal related data about the contact responsibly, to make sure it is within the scope of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

  • Emails, Phones and Addresses areas - These areas displays all the methods of communicating with the contact. Here you may find and add email addresses, telephone numbers and business addresses.

  • Custom fields area: Displays all custom fields added via the Custom fields (CUSTOMFIELDS) application.

Context menu
  • Admittance - The Admittance popup displays what admittance the contact has to external programs.

  • Referenced by - The Referenced by popup lists all the elements in RamBase this contact is connected to.

Contacts handling

A contact can be connected to a customer(s) (CUS) and/or supplier(s) (SUP) and/or a person (PER), where information regarding document handling and other detailed information can be inspected and edited. This related CUS document can be found and accessed from the Referenced By popup in the CNT document.