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Document messages

There are standard document messages In RamBase. These messages can appear in the document or the document item.

There are five categories:

  1. Information

    These messages are meant to inform or remind about certain conditions about the document or item. For example, Invoice is blocked for this article.

  2. Stop

    These messages inform you that the document or item cannot be processed further due to a condition that blocks further processing. For example, Number of SERIAL NO does not match QTY on item.

  3. Approve

    These messages inform you that the document or item must be approved before it can be taken forward and provides an icon to either approve the document/item or send the document/item for approval based on the user roles/permissions.For example, Approval required, Amount NOK 2000.

  4. Warning

    These messages warn you about critical issues with the document or item. You must fix the issue before doing further actions on the document or item. For example, Missing origin on material.

  5. Transport stop

    These messages stop you from transporting a document or item to the next document until a specific condition is satisfied.For example, Payment can not be transported to CSA until payment is registered.

There is a standard setup that defines the messages to display, you can edit the settings and remove certain messages. Be aware of the consequences of not displaying the messages.