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Deviation between the product balance report and the GL product balances

Before looking into deviations between PROBAL and GL account, press F12 and click on PAR_product balance: Import Product balance to General ledger. The deviation can disappear after the import action.

Cause: New transactions have occurred for this particular period since the previous time this action has been run. If the deviation is still there after the import, further investigation is required.

Possible reasons for deviation
  • Using date in stead of period in the Date/period field when calling the report.

  • Using incorrect value in the Rate field (current/historic).

  • The product balance has not been transferred in the Period account register (PAR).

  • Transactions posted manually against the product accounts in the general ledger.

    1. Check this by writing ATRLIST/2xxx in the program field to list the GL entries for this specific account.

    2. To filter the list to a specific period and to manual postings, write this command in the filter field: PERIOD="YYYYMM",TRANS="*MAN*"

  • Minor deviations may be caused by agio.