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Knowledge Center

Default shipment measurement

It is possible to change the shipment measurement units both on warehouse location level, and also down on the shipment level.

The Location (LOC) archive lists all the warehouse locations, with all related information.


The dropdown menus on the right side of the screen concerning shipment length and weight units defines which units are to be used as default for this location. The choice made here regarding the units measurement will affect how the calculation of total volume is displayed. If centimeter is chosen, the volume will be shown as cm3, and if meter is chosen the volume will be displayed as m3.


These volume units chosen as default on LOC will then be used in the shipping documents related to this LOC. They can be changed on the specific documents. Volume is calculated based on the measurements, but can also be changed if needed (for example in situations where a package is cylindrical or otherwise difficult to automatically calculate the volume of).