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Settings for Logistics - Picking

Setting name


Allow to Swap Assignment With Shipping Advice (CSA)

If this setting is 'ON' - the users have the option to swap assignments with shipping advices (CSA).

Allowance for Production Operator to pick from another Goods Reception where pick is initialized

Allow that a production operator and shipping operator can pick from another GoodsReception than the ProductionWorkOrder or ShippingAdvice is assigned to in Assignment Registry. The assignments can also be initialized for picking.

This setting will have no effect if the settings ProductionWorkOrderAllowToPickFromAnotherGoodsReception or ShippingAdviceAllowToPickFromAnotherGoodsReception is turned off.

Allowance for Production Operator to start the ScanPick application

If this setting is 'ON' - Allow that a production operator can start the ScanPick application from different production applications.

Allowance for Shipping Operator to pick from another Goods Reception

If setting is 'ON' - Allow that a shipping operator can pick from another Goods Reception (SSA) than Shipping Advice (CSA) is linked to in Stock Assigment Register (SAR).

Document link for Returns

If this setting is "ON" - Sales Order/Sales Quote/Shipping Advice (COA/CQU/CSA) will automatically be assigned to Goods Reception (SSA) with DOCTYPE:CUSRETURN. If this setting is "OFF" - standard Assignment Register (SAR) linking rules will not automatically assign these documents, but they can be assigned manually.

Link to other location on Sales  Order (COA)

If this setting is "ON" - The Sales Order item (COA-ITM) will, if stock is not available at the Sales Order (COA) location (main location on Sales Order), link to available stock on a Goods Reception (SSA) in any other location, and Warehouse location (location on Sales Order item) will be changed accordingly. If there are quantity available in the Supplier backlog on the same location as the Sales Order, the quantity will still link to free stock on other location. If setting is "OFF" - If there is no available Stock on main location on Sales Order, quantity will be linked to "Pending". If the are quantity availabe in the Supplier backlog on another location than main location on Sales Order, the quantity will anyway link to Pending.

Pick on Production Work Order (PWO) from another Goods Reception (SSA)

If setting is 'ON' - Allow that a production operator can pick from another Goods Reception (SSA) than the Production Work Order (PWO) is linked to in the Stock Assigment Register (SAR).

Sales Order (COA) included in the Assignment Register Optimize job

If this setting is "ON" - Sales Order (COA) will be included in the Assignment Register Optimize jobs. There are several rules for which Products and  documents that are candidates for re-linking to better links. For new Customers the setting can be 'OFF', -but could be turned 'ON' in agreement with the Customer after they have been explained the consequences. For more information: about SAR Optimize.

Sales Order (COA) included in the FIFO step for Optimize job

If this setting is "ON" - Sales Order will be included in the FIFO (first in first out) step in the Assigment Register (SAR) Optimize job. This means that Sales Order with the earliest Scheduled Shipping date will be linked to the goods first received in Stock (oldest Goods Reception - SSA).

For new Customers the setting can be 'OFF', -but could be turned 'ON' in agreement with the Customer after they have been explained the consequences.

For more information: about SAR Optimize.

Update SerialNumber in addition to Select from SSA

If this setting in "ON" - Possible to update SerialNumber by select Single Update/Multiple Update in the Serialnumber Registration pop-up on CSA/SRT/STW/COA, in addition to "Select from SSA".