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Set and edit project numbers

It is possible to add project numbers on specific items in customer documents (COA / CSO). You may also set a project number for the entire item collection.

  1. Enter the Project (PRJ) application and create a new project, if not already existing.

  2. Enter the customer document of choice.

  3. Press F12 to open the action menu and choose the option Update project on all Items.

  4. This opens a popup where you may choose among the projects defined in the PRJ application. Choose the desired project and press ENTER.

  5. All items will be updated with the project number

    • This may be inspected by entering the item in question and clicking the AccNo icon. The project number is found in the PrjNo field.

  6. This project number will follow the order through the system.

This project number will be visible in Production Work Orders (PWO), inherited from the customer documents, under the Project field.

Update/edit the project number

While in PWO / PRODSSA it is possible to change the PrjNo using the F12 option Update project on all Items. To delete the PrjNo, use the F12 option Remove project from all items.

The project number will also be visible in the different folders in the PRODPLAN application and can be filtered using the filter field.