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Suggest a specific purchase quote for procurement

It is possible to lock a Sales Order (COA) item to a specific Purchase Quote (SQU) agreement using the Base Reference field (Bref).

The criteria for this action is that you have a Purchase Quote (SQU) in ST:4 and it is not created toward another Customer (CUS).

  1. Create a Sales Order (COA) and add the same item you have in the Purchase Quote (SQU).

  2. After the item has been added, double click on the item line to open the item details.

  3. In the Cost folder, click the edit icon next to the Based On field to open the Select Bref popup.

  4. The Purchase Quote (SQU) will be available in the item lines. Double click this item line to add the Purchase Quote (SQU) as source.

  5. Press Esc to go back to the COA view.

  6. In the Context menu, choose the Register and send sales order... and forward the COA to the customer.

  7. Open the Purchase (PUR) application, find Procurement in the RamBase menu and then Purchasing. Click Purchase handling to enter the PUR application.

  8. Enter the Pending Items folder where the COA will be available. Highlight the desired item line and press ENTER.

  9. Click the SQU Supplier radio button to filter out the correct order. Highlight the result and press ENTER.

  10. You have now created a Purchase Order (SPO) based on the Purchase Quote (SQU) agreement. You can see the link to the original SQU in the SPO document.