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Knowledge Center

Settings for Rental - Invoicing

Setting name


Day for monthly consolidation of Reccuring Invoice Plan (COP)

Value in this setting decides which day the monthly consolidation of Reccuring Invoice Plan (COP) should be done. Options to be used: From 1 to 31

Day for weekly consolidation of Reccuring Invoice Plan (COP)

Value in this setting decides which day  the weekly consolidation of Reccuring Invoice Plan (COP) should be done. Options to be used: From 1 to 7, where 1=Monday, 2=Thuesday etc

Default Groupby for Rental Sales Invoice (CIN)

This setting must have a value to decide  which default Groupby should be used when create Rental Sales Invoice (CIN). Options to be used: YOURNO (Customer Reference Number), YOURREF (Customer Reference) or COP (Reccuring Invoice Plan)

Reccuring Invoice Plan (COP) (COP) consolidation type

Value in this setting desices which consolidation type should be used on Reccuring Invoice Plan (COP), -if there is no setup on the Customer (CUS). Options to be used: D=Day, W=Week or M=Month

Automatic registration of rental invoice

If this setting is "ON" - Rental Invoice (CIN) will automatically be registered to status 4. If setting is "OFF" - Rental Invoice will just be created in status 1 and must be registered manually.

Rental Sales Invoice (CIN) include Forecast

If this setting is "ON" - A parameter to include also forecast items from the plan will be used when creating Rental Sales Invoice (CIN) will be showing