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Bank statements (BST)

The Bank statements (BST) application list all transactions for a account over a set period. The statement includes deposits, charges, withdrawals. as well as the beginning and ending balance for the period, along with any interests.

Bank statements list - Left side

The filtering options allow for easy organizing to the users' need.

The following areas are described in the sections below:

  • Bank statement area - Header right side

  • Bank transaction items area - Right side

Bank statement area - Header right side

The Bank statement area contains fields to help the user list only the intended Bank statement (BST).




Bank field


Displays the Bank (BANK) identifier.

Bank account field

Bank account number

Currency field

Displays the currency selected for the bank account in the Bank (BANK) application.

Internal bank reference field

Sorting index of bank statement

External bank reference

GL Account


Displays the name of General ledger account name


Booking date field

Displays the date the transaction was booked into the system.

Created by field

Either displays the identifier of the system batch job or the the Personnel (PER) identifier of the user who created the bank statement, including first and last name.

Created at field


Displays the date and time of creation


Booked payments

Booked payments are figures which are imported from the Bank (BANK) application. After reconciling payments or confirming Bank statement (BST) items (when Bank statement (BST) goes to Status 8) these amounts are imported to Bank statement (BST). When status is < 8, Opening balance and Closing balance equals 0.

Opening balance

Balance at the beginning of the day, before Bank statement (BST) was created (it should equal Closing balance from the last day).

Linked payments

Sum of payments linked to Bank statement (BST).

Closing balance

Total amount of transactions for this bank, including created Bank statement (BST) - (Opening balance + Linked payments).

Bank transaction

Bank transaction shows amounts which are given when creating new Bank statement (BST), when Bank statement (BST) was created manually or imported from a file. When Bank statement (BST) is created using the Import bank statements from bank integration…operation, Bank statement (BST) is created automatically and amounts are imported from bank integration. They are visible when Bank statement (BST) < 8 and they are compared to Booked payments figures.

Opening balance

Balance at the beginning of the day, before Bank statement (BST) was created (it should equal Closing balance from the last day)


Sum of transactions in Bank statement (BST).

Closing balance

Total amount of transactions for this bank, including created Bank statement (BST) - (Opening balance + Movement).


Booked paymentsBank transaction.

Bank transaction items area - Right side




Status of bank statement


Transaction identifier of the bank statement

Created at

Date and time of creation

Currency date

Currency date of the bank statement transaction

Booking date

Booking date of the bank statement transaction


Displays the related payment document with a navigation link. If there is more than 1 PAY document related with current transaction, then clickable money bag icon is displayed with all related payment documents list.

Bank reference

Reference from the bank

Internal message

Internal message from the system

Transaction reference

Our internal reference

Payment message

Message from the payment

Reconciliation Id

Reconciliation identifier of the bank statement

Reconciliation method

Method of reconciliation

Approved by

User identifier


Currency used for the bank account

Payment amount

Payment amount

Deviation amount

Deviation amount

Bank amount

Transaction amount

Bank statement (BST) procedures

Automated bank reconciliation (BST)Automated bank reconciliation (BST)