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Customize VAT handling for a specific article

It is possible to create combinations of VAT reference codes, general ledger accounts and VAT codes that apply for one Article (ART) only.

You may have up to 10 separate VAT reference codes (VatRef) on each ART.

Customize VAT handling for a specific article
  1. To open the Article (ART) application, find Product in the RamBase menu and then Product management. Click Products to enter the ART application.

  2. Highlight the ART in question and press ENTER.

  3. Open the Finance folder.

  4. Click the + icon in the lower left corner. The Item Account Info popup appears.

  5. Enter data. The mandatory fields are DB (database), DefCode (VAT reference code), AccNo (general ledger account) and VatCode.

Example: The default setup for the VAT reference code HOMESALE is ACC/3000 and VAT code 03, but for this specific ART the VAT reference code HOMESALE the setup will be ACC/3010 and VAT code 03.

The ART specific account-/VAT code -combination overrides the system defaults.