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Grouping LOTs

It is possible to group lots if the buyer wants to place bids on several lots, but only want to win one.

I.e. if there are three similar stamps, and you only want one of them. This is done by adding the same number for these lots in the group field. When a bid note with groups is registrated to St:4, the program will check if this customer will get the leading bid on lots with lowest LotNo in this group. If so, an active bid (St:4) will be placed on this LOT and an inactive bid (St:1) will be added to each of the remaining lots in this group. If the lot with the lowest LotNo within the group has a leading bid from another customer, the system will check the next LotNo within the group.

All the bids on the Bid Note are marked with lost/won icons as the auction progresses. When the auction is closed, the bid note is set to St=9. Grouping lots may be done in combination with MaxAmount.