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Partial payment of a Supplier Invoice
  1. To open the Payments (PAY) application, find Finance in the RamBase menu and then Cash management. Click Payment transactions to enter the PAY application.

  2. Click the + icon in the lower left hand corner to create a new payment.

  3. Select bank and press ENTER.

  4. In the Pay Info section, select Sup in the PayType drop down-menu.

  5. Click the + icon in the lower left hand corner to add a new pay item.

  6. Click the yellow arrow next to the Account field.

  7. Select supplier and press ENTER.

  8. To view all documents for this supplier, click the yellow arrow next to the InvoiceRef field.

  9. In the Select documents to pay popup, select the correct supplier invoice (SIN) and click OK. Note that the invoice is not payed yet, only selected for payment.

  10. In the Amount field in the Amounts section in the upper right hand corner, enter how much you want to pay. Remember to add a subtraction symbol prefix for outgoing payments.

  11. Press ENTER. The residual amount will appear in the fields Pay in Adv, Amount and AccountTrans, Amount.

  12. To post the residual amount against the supplier ledger, click on the yellow arrow icon next to the field Pay in Adv, Amount.

  13. In the Payment in Advance popup, make sure to include a reference to the original supplier invoice (SIN) in the Text field. Move the popup on the screen if you want to see the SIN-reference.

  14. If you have got a new due date on the residual amount, make sure to change it to the correct date.

  15. Click OK.

  16. A new line with the residual amount (st:1) will appear in the Pay Item window .

  17. Press Esc. You are now back in the Payment window.

  18. From the action menu, click the option Register Payment.

  19. The payment is now registered (PAY st:4).The residual amount is now ready for payment on a PAY which is listed together with other unpaid invoices for this supplier.

  20. If you want to verify the new open post, double click on the item line and the Pay Item window appears.

  21. In the Amounts section in the upper right hand corner, click on the link next to the field PayAdv. The Account Transaction Menu pops up.

  22. Click on the link in the Account column, the Supplier window will open.

  23. Click on the Finance Transactions folder.

  24. Click on the radio button Open. The new PAY with the residual amount will be listed here together with other open transactions.

  25. To view the supplier account transactions in a report, open the action menu and click on the option Sup Statement Report: All transactions.