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Product Management

Parts, kits, services are defined as products. All Products are unique in principle, which requires detailed information to be defined on each product. Any product range needs to have its information maintained and updated.

The management process may result in

  • A new product is registered.

  • The product is updated.

  • The product is discontinued.

If a new product is to be registered key information such as description, producer, type, product structure, price and similar information need to be accessible for the company. To keep this information true and updated it needs maintenance.

For example, if you need to change certain parts in an product structure, adjust prices on goods or labeling products as discontinued, this information will need to be updated.

Tasks involved in this process

  • Register a new product - Creating new products if there are goods entering the product range.

  • Pricing products - Setting, or changing, price, researching market prices to set a competitive price.

  • Updating part lists - Some products may contain several parts, which needs to be maintained.

  • Document control - Quality assurance of drawings, pictures and description of the product.

  • Deleting products - Removing products from the product range if discontinued.