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Import budget into RamBase

The budget is first imported into RamBase from file, and is then linked the to Chart of Accounts (ACC). The budget file has to be a semicolon-separated list (CSV file) and contain the following fields: No, Name, Year, DepNo, PrjNo and the months Jan, Febr, March, April, May, June, July, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov and Dec.

Import the budget from file
  1. To open the Budget (BAC) application, find Finance in the RamBase menu and then Budgeting. Click Budgets to enter the BAC application.

  2. Choose the Import Budget from File option in the context menu.

  3. Click on the Select file > button and upload the budget file.

  4. Back in the BAC application, take a QA test with the option Budgets, by BudgetNo in the context menu.

  5. The budgets will be listed in the BAC application with status 1.

  6. The budgets are imported, but need to be linked to accounts (ACC) and then registered.

  7. As soon as the budgets are imported they will be included in calculations and financial reports.

  8. Link the budgets automatically to the GL accounts in the BAC application when the budgets numbers are set. Choose the Automatically Link Budgets to Corresponding GL Accounts option in the context menu.

  9. It is possible to link the budgets manually to a GL Accounts (ACC) in the selected budget.

  10. Register the budgets in the BAC application. Choose the Register All Budgets option. The accounts with budget numbers will be registered (status 4), the rest will stay open (status 1).

  11. It is possible to register a selected budget manually, press F12 to open the action menu and choose the Register Budget option.