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Auction disbursment using Auction Balances

The Auction Balances (AUCBAL) application is a different approach to selecting payments to suppliers. Where Pending PAY (PENDPAY) is used to select supplier invoices for payment, AUCBAL is used to select vendors for payment subsequent to an auction. Auction disbursement is done subsequent to an auction. To open the Auction Balances (AUCBAL) application, find Auction in the RamBase menu and then Settlement. Click Auction balance to enter the AUCBAL application.

Set the wanted due date for disbursement in the top right corner Duedate-field to filter the listings by date. Select the auction due to disbursement and press ENTER.

Work your way through the AUCBAL detail view for the auction to inspect the disbursement proposals. Notice that the proposals are made by the vendor credit balance on this particular auction. Consider to counter account and alter due dates for vendor accounts flagged by one of the indicator bells. Counter account or alter due date where this should be done.

When quality assurance of the disbursements are done, PAY documents can be created. It's possible to create singles documents by clicking the rightmost create icon, but if disbursement is made on several accounts the batch-job approach is to be preferred.

Return to the AUCBAL application, select the auction ready for disbursement and press F12 to open the action menu and choose the Make Payments option to create the pay documents for the auction.

Enter the following settings in the window.


Connect the payments to a distinct auction. Verify that the preset auction is the one which is object of disbursement.


Gives a possiblility to limit the disbursement to a single vendor


Select method of payment. Usually it would be set to TELEPAY


Enter the accounting period for disbursment


Enter duedates for the batch-job. If disbursement is limited to a single date, this should be set in both the from and to fields. If you want to make payments forward to today, set an earlier date in the from field and today's date in the to field. If you want to include disbursements a few days ahead, set today's date in the from field and a few days ahead in the to field.


Enter the bank which the disbursements will be drawn from


Enter disbursement date. Alternatives is DueDate or another specific date. DueDate is set by default.

Incl. PAY without EVT ref.

Gives a possibility to make payments in advance without any event reference to the supplier. If the supplier has a negative balance, the payment will be counter accounted and the new balance will show up in the supplier ledger.

Send By

The field gives different opportunities to route the Final Sales report to printer or to the customer e-mail adress

The further process of disbursement coincide with the general RamBase routines for outgoing payments. Prepare the payments in the Prepare PAY (PREPAY) application, carry out the remittance in the Send Payment (SENDPAY) application and confirm that the transactions are drawn from the bank in the Confirm PAY: Banks (CONFPAY) application.