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Manage purchase for a Product (ART)

From the list, select the Product (ART). To manage purchase prices for the selected Product (ART), select the Properties tab and the Purchase prices tab.


This tab contains all the information you need related to purchase prices. In addition, the Main data tab offer some properties to manage purchase.

Set purchase price
  1. Enter the product (ART) you want to add a purchase price to.

  2. Click the Add purchase price button to open the popup for adding a price.

  3. This popup gives you an overview over all the details regarding the pricing on this product.


  4. Choose the supplier in the Supplier field.

  5. Set the purchase quantity in the Minimum quantity field.

  6. Set the purchase price in the Gross price field. The currency must be set according to the price.

  7. You can set the prices for different time periods if needed. If you use the Expiration date field, the status of price will be set to Obsolete (Status 9) when this date ends.

  8. The PurchSt field controls the status of the price, from preferred to obsolete. Status descriptions:

    • Pending effective date = Status 4.

    • Active = Status 8.

    • Expired = Status 9.

  9. The conversions field is used if there is a discrepancy concerning the unit purchased and the unit sent to stock (feet to cm, kg to lb, etc.).

  10. Click the Create button to register this price. The price will now be visible as an item line on the product.