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Auction supplier/seller

The supplier/seller (SUP) application is similar to the customer/buyer application.

To open the Supplier (SUP) application, find Auction in the RamBase menu and then Customer & Supplier management. Click Suppliers to enter the SUP application.

Folder descriptions
  • Main Data

    The main data folder contains information regarding supplier contact information, terms, agreements and commission fees.

    1. Commissions-box

      Here you can set the commission percentage for different categories. The default commission percentage may be assigned to each group at the main level (Level 1) in the classification system. The percentage will be copied from SUP to the reception when the LOTSSA is created. And from LOTSSA to LOT when the LOT is created.

    2. Agreements section

      The SupFeeAmt (YES or NO) field is used to register if there is a supplier fee involved. This is usually used for costs connected to any expenditures the auction house has involved in the selling of the item, such as describing lots, packing material etc. The fee pct can be set in the SupFeeAmt-field in the Finance-folder on the associated auction (EVT). This fee can also be set in the pricing-box on the LOT when the LOT is created.

    3. Link to CUS

      Suppliers and customers are mirrored in the RamBase auction module. Up in the right corner there is a shortcut to the customer.