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Settings for Production - Life cycle management

Setting name


Set Owner on Product Unit when is shipped

If the setting is ON, the Owned by field is automatically populated with Customer information when the Product unit (LCM) is shipped out (CSA). This only applies if the Owned by field was previously empty.

Auto create Quality Report when performing a part change on LifeCycle

If setting is 'On' -  Quality Report (QAR) will be automatically created when replacing parts at LifeCycle (LCM). The Quality Report (QAR) will get key information from Life Cycle/ProductionWorkOrder (LCM/PWO)

Auto Prefix on Serial Number

It the setting is 'ON', Prefix can be set.  Serial numbers are then automatically generated for Purchase Orders (SPO) where the Product has 'Yes' in AutocreateSnoForSPO or Life Cycle's (LCM) where the Product (ART) has 'Yes' in AutocreateSnoForLCM.

The setting 'ProductionSerialNumberCounter' must also be set if serial numbers should automatically be generated

Automatic Serial Number Model

Value in this setting must be one of the following alternatives. Modelnr.1=Skipper's setup :: Serialnumber will be Life Cycle number (LCM) with or without 'ProductionSerialNumberPrefix' setting first.

Modelnr.2=DISPLAY's setup. Modelnr.3=Not in use yet. For new customers, use Modelnr.1

Serial Number Counter

Value in this setting is a parameter that will automatically generate serial numbers for Purchase Orders (SPO) or Life Cycles (LCM), - if Products (ART) has AutocreateSnoForSPO=Yes. SNOCNT is a counter that will automatically be increased by 1 when a new serial number is generated. The serial number will consist of this parameter and CSV/AutoProductionSerialNumberPrefix concatinated (prefix first). Serialnumber generating will only happen for Productions with LCMDOC=UNIT.

Functionality can't be used if CSV/ProductionSerialNumberModel is set to SerialModel=1. To edit the Serial counter, type 'SNO' in the program line and use the F12 option 'Edit Serial Number Settings'

Serial Number Prefix

Value in this setting is a Prefix of serial numbers. The value will be set before Serial number counter or Serial number from Modelnr.1. Functionality doesn't work when using Serial number from Modelnr.2

Serial Number Prefix Field from Product (ART)

Value in this setting is GR1. Information from this field on Product (ART) will be used as prefix. Functionality is not valid for Serial number Model.2. If CSV/ProductionSerialNumberPrefix has a value, this setting will be overridden

Serial Number Start for Pilot Product Productions

LifeCycle (LCM) serial sequence number for pilot series production (Product status=3). If value in the setting is '10', - LifeCycle (LCM) serial number after ""<part>-"" will start on '10' or last used above 10+1.

This functionallity will only work if the setting ProductionSerialNumberModel has value=2

Serial Number Start for Prototype Product Productions

Value in this setting is a number. If value is '1', - LifeCycle (LCM) serial sequence number for prototype production (Product status=2 will get LifeCycle (LCM) serial number after "<part>-" start on '1'. This setting will only work if the setting ProductionSerialNumberModel has value=2

Serial Number Start for serial Productions

Value in this setting a number that is used when calculating Serial sequence number for serial production (Product in Status=4). If the value is '100' - LifeCycle serial number (after ""<part>-"") will start on '100' or last used above 100 + 1.

This setting will only work if the setting ProductionSerialNumberModel has value '2'