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Settings for Production- Production

Setting name


Activate the use of Measurement Standards

If setting is 'ON' - functionality for using Measurement Standards is activated.

Adjusting Production Total Cost

Value in this setting is a CST reference with COSTTYPE=FIXED and CostAmount= 0. Used as Default Cost Element for Adjusting Total Cost on a Production Goods Reception (SSA). Format to be used: CST/NNNNNN (N for numbers).

Allow forward to stock and move to stock location

If this setting is turned on then the operator should be able to forward goods to stock and move it to a different location than "unassigned". The functionality is available in the PWO application.

Allow Update of USEDQTY in PWO KIT

Allow to add real used quantity in PWO KIT part lines, field USEDQTY. Will overrule planned used quantity.

Allow Continuous Work Order Delivery To Stock

Allow Delivery to stock from Work order operations (WOO) where only part of the quantity has been completed.

Automatically cancel SubOrders in Production

If setting is 'ON' - All sub productions will be canceled when canceling the main Production Work Order.

Automatically split sub orders when splitting main Production Work Order (PWO)

If setting is 'On' - Sub orders are split according to the split done on the top level of the Production Work Order (PWO)

Block for production on Sales Order (COA)

If setting is 'ON' - Sales Order items (COA-ITM) for Class=K* products will get

=1.  Un-check "Block for production" on item to release Sales Order item to ProdPlan for creating Production Work Order (PWO)

Block purchase on Production Work Orders (PWO)

If this setting is 'ON' -Default will be blocking on new Production Work Order (PWO) from purchase. Production Work Order item will contain value '1' in the field ISBLOCKEDFORPURCHASE. Text is also showing at Production Work Order. Use F12 - 'Release for purchase' to allow purchase to handle the Production Work Order.

Calculate WorkOrder and Material When Pick

If the setting is on then the calculation done in SARKITLINKCALC and ITMPRODCALC is done in a batch job and not during the execution of pick.

Close Work Order Operation when operation is completed

If setting is 'ON' - Closes the WorkOrder Operation  application (WOO) when operation is stamped as completed


If On:

Will close the WOO application when START/CONTINUE or PAUSE buttons are pushed.



Default cost element for part change on Rework

If setting is 'ON' - Negative cost is added when a part change is perfomed on a Rework process.

Default Manufacturing Area

Default value of Manufacturing Area that should be used in the system when field MAANO is required. Value taken from MAA archive and can be viewed in MAA application.Default value: 100000

Default Material for PDM Import

Default Material for PDM Import. Format to be used: ART/#123456

Default Production Calendar

Value in this setting is the Default production calendar that must exist if the production module is to be used. The Production calender has to be created from Company (COM) / Settings / Config Applications, by Add Program and choose PRODCALENDAR. The PCA reference to get, has to be added as value in this setting. Format to be used: PCA/NNNNNN (N for numbers)

Default scrap stock location

Name of the stock location which will be used as default for scrapping

Default Step Between Operations when building a product structure

Value in this setting is the Default step between operations when building product structure. '10': First Production Operation (OPR) gets OpNo=10, next gets OpNo=20

Default supplier for production work order

This setting is used for setting the supplier account on a production work order when it is created.Default value: SUP/100000

Default Supplier when performing a Rework

Value in this setting is a default Supplier (SUP) for creating Purchase Order (SPO) for part change on LifeCycle (LCM) where product is purchased externally and not produced on a Production Work Order (PWO)

Department As Mandatory On Production Work Order

Disable 'Forward To Stock' button on Production Orders

If setting is 'ON' - Disables the 'Forward to stock' button at Productions (PWO) in st=8 (completed). Option to put products to stock is then to use the GIN program.

Dismantle Supplier Account

Value in this setting is default Dismantle Supplier Account when supplier is not recognized for parts going to stock in the dismantle process. Format to be used : NNNNNN (N for numbers)

Forward Work Order To Goods Reception

If the setting is on then forward to goods reception is allowed in applications and button displayed.

Child setting:

Move To Stock Location

If the setting is on then move to stock location is allowed in applications and field displayed.

Link off Parts when part change on LifeCycle (LCM) that are not picked

If setting is 'On' - Allows you to "steal" parts when performing a part change on the LifeCycle (LCM)document even if GoodsReception (SSA) has no free quantity. This can only be done from orders where parts haven't been picked

MAAs with no output for work order and job card

MAAs with no output for work order and job card. This can be a comma list of MAA names.

Not Close Operations Log On Start Or Pause

If setting is 'ON' - Will not close the  APP/RESLCMWORK when a PRODUCTION step is started.

Or when the production step is completed, and there is a following production step in the same operation. NOTE: This setting is not in use

Open new workLog element at midnight

Open new Work log element at midnight. This setting is 'OFF' by default. As the system will assume that the operator forgot to end the Work order operation.

If this setting is 'OFF' the system will end all Work log elements at midnight and not open a new Work log element for the following day.

If this setting is 'ON' the system will close all Work log elements at midnight and open new Work log elements for the following day. Note that the system will only start work log elements for ended work log elements from the previous day.

Override Operation Sequence in Productions

If setting is 'ON' -  it is allowed to override the operation sequence at a Production (PWO), e.g. start and finish third operation before second operation. If setting is 'OFF' - the 'set ready for start' button will not show on Production Resource (RES)



If set on new parts/materials may be created when importing PDM files.


Value in this setting is a ManufacturerId. The ManufacturerId will be used if a file with Productstructure is loaded into Rambase, and the file doesn't contain ManufacturerId, - value from this setting will be used as default on the products. Format to be used: MFR/NNNN (N for numbers)


Production Cancel Message if Sales Order is Cancelled

If setting is 'ON' - a message 'Customer Order Cancelled/Deleted' will be set on the Production Work Order (PWO) if the Sales Order is cancelled.

Production team test setting

This is an on/off setting used for test purposes for the roduction development team.

Production Work Order quantity to create and confirm

Value in this setting is the quantity you can create or confirm for unit production work orders.Default value: 9999

Production Work Order quantity to release

Value in this setting is the quantity you can release for unit production work orders.Default value: 999

Resource usage gauge type in WOO application

Default value: Resource usage gauge is based on time

Resource Work Log Calculation

If this setting is 'ON' - Functionality that will calculate work done by Resource and Date (RWL) is activated

Round Up Quantity for Material Wastage Pct

Sub Production Update On Time Change

If this setting is 'ON' - Sub Production Work Order will be updated when changing production startdate or enddate

Supplier Account for part change on purchased Products (ART)

Value in this setting should be a Supplier Account (SUP) that is used when part change is done for products ART) that are bought, - and not build by the firm

Third country material cost calculation

If this setting is 'ON' - Functionality that calculates Third country material cost from finished Production, based on Sales Orders (COA) or Shipping Advice (CSA) is activated

Use document requirements for production

Generate document requirements (RQM) and planned document requirements (RQT) for production work orders (PWO) based on file types (FIT)

Use GaugeMeter in ShopFloor Application

When setting is 'ON' - GaugeMeter in ShopFloorApplication (WOO) is shown

Use multiple product structures

When this setting is turned on then it is possible to one set of product structures per manufacturing area for the same product.

Use ProduceInMultipleOf when split

If the setting is ON then the split QTY has to be a multiple of ART.ProduceInMultipleOf value. If setting is OFF split is allowed in whatever quantity user wants to.

Use SNT Archive for SerialNumber

This setting must be set to ON to enable the serial number template (SNT) setup . The SNT defines the serial number format for product units (LCMs). If this setting is activated, all Company Settings that include 'Serial number' under Production/LifeCycleManagement must be 'OFF'

Verification of Product Structure

If setting is 'ON' - batchjobs that runs verification of Product structures are activated.

View Structure Tab in WOO app

If ON - Structure tab will show in WOO application

Warning icon for overdue days in resource planner

Value in this setting is a number of days. Warning icon is set in resource planner at Production Work Order (PWO)/operation, - if the operation is delayed more than CriticalMargin. (CriticalDays > CriticalMargin)