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Check serial numbers on partlist

It is possible to force check that serial numbers have been assigned to parts related to a specific operation.

  1. Enter the Kit Structure you want to have a serial number check on. This is available from Production Work Order (PWO) and Life Cycle Management (LCM) documents. Click the green Kit-icon to access KITDOC.

  2. Highlight the operation in the item lines and press ENTER.

  3. This opens a popup called Structure Operation item. Here you will find a checkbox called CheckSerialNoOnParts.

  4. This checkbox may have been set to default in the actual Operation (OPR) document. If not, the checkbox is presently unchecked.

  5. When this checkbox is selected, serial numbers must be added to the parts in the LCMs part list for the parts that are confirmed as picked, before the operation can be completed. You will receive an error message stating that All serial numbers are not entered.

    • If the checkbox has been selected by error, you can enter the PWO in question, click the Kit icon, select the operation on the item line and press ENTER. This opens a popup where you can uncheck the CheckSerialNoOnParts checkbox.

  6. Enter the related LCM document(s), where you can set the serial numbers in the item lines.

  7. The column serial numbers have a blank text field and a button called Select From SSA in the item lines. You can either enter a unique serial number in the free text field, or click the button and find a serial number from the Goods Reception (SSA) document.